
The Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) describes how Bath & North East Somerset’s Children and Young People's sub group of the Health and Wellbeing Board and its partner agencies, will provide the best joint approach to delivering services for children and young people.

It also sets out the vision and key priorities agreed by those agencies in supporting children and young people to achieve the best possible outcomes.

The Children and Young People's sub group of the Health and Wellbeing Board oversees the 6 monthly monitoring and reporting on the delivery of the CYPP outcomes.

Children and Young People's Plan 2018-2021

We also have an Implementation Plan which sits underneath our CYPP, this is is effectively our Action Plan and will be amended yearly depending on resourcing and changes we need to make to the delivery of our services.

Plan on a Page - our plan, outcomes, priorities and vision set out on a page.

Our previous plan and yearly reviews:

Children and Young People's Plan 2014-2017 (Full Version)

Children and Young People's Plan 2014-2017 (Summary)

CYPP 2014-2017 Review Year 1 2014-2015

CYPP 2014-2017 Review Year 2 2015-2016

CYPP 2014-2017 Review Year 3 2016-2017

CYPP 2014-2017 Review Year 4 2017-2018


One of the three outcomes of the CYPP 'Children and young people are healthy' includes promoting emotional health, and the prevention and treatment of mental illness.

Local partners have agreed a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Transformation Plan, which is available to download:

BaNES Transformation Plan November 2019 DRAFT

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