Early Years Entitlement Information for parents and carers

What is the Early Years Entitlement (EYE)

The Government provides a funded entitlement for all three and four year old children and some two year old children to attend an early years provider.

This is called the Early Years Entitlement. The entitlement is designed to be flexible so you can choose where you want your child to attend and what hours they will attend (subject to availability). The entitlement is for regular attendance agreed between the parent/carer and provider

Frequently asked questions

Who can access the EYE?

How many hours of EYE can I have for my child?

How do I get funding for my child?

How do I know if I can have 30 hours for my 3 & 4 year old?

How do I know if I can have funding for my 2 year old?

How can I find a childcare provider?

Can my child attend more than one provider?

Can I use providers in any Local Authority?

When can my child start claiming the funding?

What does the Early Years Entitlement cover?

What can my childcare provider charge for?

How do I find out about what I have to pay for that is not covered by the EYE?

What hours and weeks can I use the entitlement for?

Are there any restrictions on how I can use my hours?

Are there any maximum or minimum hours I can use?

What if my provider is not open or offering EYE for the number of hours I want to take?

How can I split my hours between different providers?

What if I claim more than the maximum available to me?

What happens if my child switches providers in the middle of a term?

What happens if my child changes the number of hours they attend?

What happens to the funding if my child is absent for an extended period?

Is there any extra funding for children with special educational needs?

Where can I find further information should I require it?

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