• The next round (sixteen) for the submision of applications has now closed. Applications for future projects can still be submitted, but these will not be reviewed until November 2024.

• Applications will then be assessed to ensure they meet the legal and planning requirements.

• The applications were uploaded to the Council's Consultation Page, and the public had the opportunity to comment between 7th and 28th May 2024.

• Consultation feedback will be forwarded to the Advisory Board to assist in their recommendations.

• The Advisory Board will convene to make recommendations on 29th July 2024.

The documentation records for the decision making for recomended projects, are available through this link.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge introduced by the Planning Act 2008 to help local authorities in England and Wales deliver infrastructure to support development in their area. The CIL came into force on April 6, 2010, through the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010. In Bath, 15% of the receipts from the overall CIL allocated to developments are assigned to the neighbourhood portion of CIL for Bath.

The CIL for Bath's neighbourhood portion can aid the City's development through various infrastructure-related projects. The funding can support provision, improvement, replacement, operation, or maintenance of infrastructure. The projects must address the demands of the City's development. If the Council finds that the CIL Regulations have not been fully met, the applicant will be informed of their application's status.

Who can apply for the neighbourhood portion of CIL funds?

  • Funding will only be allocated to successful applicants once the full application process has been concluded. 
  • Both organisations and individuals representing organisations are eligible to submit applications.
  • The proposed projects must be located within the Bath City Boundary. 
  • Parish and Town Councils are responsible for areas outside the Bath City Boundary but within North East Somerset.
  • Successful projects will receive funding through a bank transfer to the organisation's bank account.
  • Applications must be submitted using the appropriate form based on the project's funding amount.
  • All applications will be made public on the Council consultation website for public comments.

What are the criteria for using the neighbourhood portion of CIL funds?

  • Projects need to address impact of new developments from the area of where funding has been generated.
  • Projects need to provide links to the locality within the area where development has taken place.
  • Projects need to show community support.  Applicants need to provide evidence that demonstrate the needs of the community have been listened to.
  • Projects are only presented to the Advisory Board once demonstrated that they either: (i) support the development of the relevant area by funding the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure or (ii) anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on the area.

Who decides which CIL projects get the go-ahead?

Bath is unique in that it is the only part of Bath and North East Somerset Local Authority without a Parish or Town Council. Instead, Bath has a Neighbourhood CIL Advisory Board which has been appointed by Bath and North East Somerset Council. The Advisory Board, consisting of eight Bath Ward Councillors, is responsible for making project recomendations to the Leader of the Council on behalf of the community. Ultimately, the board's goal is to allocate funding to projects that will have a positive impact on the community.

At the November 2017 meeting, the first recommendations were discussed and subsequently, the CIL for Bath Advisory Panel has awarded over £2.3 million towards 64 projects (as at January 2024). A dashboard map is available to view successful applications. - click here to access the the community funding map

How do I submit an application for a Bath Neighbourhood CIL Project?

CIL for Bath Application Forms are available on this website alongside the criteria notes for the application process. Completed forms need to be returned to Mark Hayward, Community Engagement, Lewis House, Bath BA1 5JG or e-mailed to mark_hayward@bathnes.gov.uk  

The Community Engagement Team reviews all applications and consults with the Councils Legal and Planning Policy Teams to ensure compliance with regulations. 

What happens once the Neighbourhood CIL for Bath Advisory Board has recomended an application?

It is necessary to seek advice and agreement from the relevant officers of Bath and North East Somerset Council Service Areas when a project requires internal resources or support. 

All included projects need to follow the Council's report sign off process, the Council Leader may then make a single member decision to finalise the neighbourhood CIL for Bath spending.

What happens once the Bath and North East Somerset Leader finalising the spending of CIL?  

A funding and monitoring grant agreement will be completed before projects recieve funding. All projects will have agreed to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in the Neighbourhood Portion of CIL for Bath Criteria Document.

What projects in Bath have recieved neighbourhood CIL funding? 

£2.3 million has been awarded to sixty-four projects (as at January 2024). A dashboard map is available to view successful applications. - click here to access the the community funding map

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