Public Spaces Protection Orders in the City of Bath and Midsomer Norton town centre

What is a PSPO?

The Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 enables the Council to create Public Spaces Protection Orders, sometimes referred to as PSPOs. They are designed to control activities in public places which have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality. 

In 2017 Bath and North East Somerset Council introduced two Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) to restrict street drinking in the City of Bath and Midsomer Norton town centre.

The cabinet at its meeting of 9th September 2021, following public consultation, agreed to adopt PSPOs for Bath and Midsomer Norton town centre to continue these restrictions for a further three years.

What do the PSPOs do?

The PSPOs prohibit any person from having in their possession, care or control in any Public Place within the Restricted Area alcohol, where that person:

(i) is or has been consuming alcohol in any Public Place in the Restricted Area, or

(ii) intends to consume alcohol in any Public Place in the Restricted Area; and is behaving in a way likely to cause, or where the authorised officer reasonably suspects will lead to, harassment, alarm or distress, or crime or disorder in the Restricted Area.

Under the PSPOs the Police or accredited person are empowered to seize and dispose of alcohol which is in an open or closed container where the conditions above apply. Failure to comply with such a request made by a police officer is an arrestable offence punishable by a fine. 

What are the consequences of not complying with the PSPOs?

Where an Authorised Officer requires someone to comply with the above and they fail to do so without reasonable excuse, then a criminal offence has been committed which is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £1,000. An Authorised Officer may issue a fixed penalty notice of £100 to anyone he or she has reason to believe has committed an offence in relation to this Order. 

What are the “Restricted Areas” covered by the PSPOs?

The areas covered by these restrictions are set out in the maps. In Bath, the Restricted  Area is the whole of the City. In Midsomer Norton, the Restricted Area is a specific part of the town. The full legal orders are also attached. The restrictions apply to all “public spaces” within the red lines on the maps and are defined broadly to include areas which “the public or any section of the public has access, on payment or otherwise, as of right or by virtue of express or implied permission”. This means the PSPO includes public car parks and public parks as well as other public spaces such as streets.. .

Are there exemptions?

There are a number of exemptions, and these are set out in the order. The PSPOs will not stop the consumption of alcohol in any area licensed for the sale and supply of alcohol during normal licensing hours, such as a bar within the area covered by a PSPO.

Where can I get help, information and advice?

There are a number of local services for people concerned by their own or someone else's drug and alcohol misuse, including:

Developing Health and Independence (DHI)

Is a local charity that was set up in 1999 to help people out of the cycle of homelessness, social isolation and drug or alcohol abuse.


15/16 Milsom Street,  Bath BA1 1DE

Twitter: @dhi_online

Facebook: Developing Health & Independence

DHI also runs Project 28 Young People (24 years or under) The project’s team seek to provide holistic packages of care to young people in the BANES area with problematic substance misuse support needs.

Telephone: 01225 478730

Service supporting people to access help for homelessness 

Julian House Tel: 01225 354650 Fax: 01225 407711

55 New King Street Bath BA1 2BN

Other organisations that can help

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