Funding Finder

The Funding Finder is an online, searchable database of both local and national funding sources.  It has replaced our popular Funding Journal, which was a Word document listing of funding sources.  We hope you find the new version easier to use.

Interagency Bulletin

An update on funding opportunities is also included in our Interagency e-Bulletin along with news and information aimed largely at voluntary and community organisations.  The bulletins come out once a month - sign up to receive it.

Interagency Meetings

Interagency networking meetings provide opportunities for third sector organisations and service providers to exchange information, promote projects or events, and improve partnerships.  Meetings take place online every other month.  They are very informal, held over lunchtime and open to anyone who works or volunteers with an organisation in the area.  Visit the Interagency webpage to find out more and sign up to take part.

Council Funding

The Community Engagement Team also administers some funding on behalf of the Council:

You can find summary information on these funds in this powerpoint or by watching this short video.

If you would like the information in an alterative format, please contact the Communities Team, email:, or tel: 01225 396539.

Support for Voluntary and Community Groups

For more information and support for Community Groups click here.

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