PREVENT IN Bath and North East Somerset CouncilA red report terrorism button

Prevent is a national programme which forms one strand of the Government’s Counter Terrorism programme.  It addresses all forms of dangerous extremism including both Islamist extremism and also far right extremism.  While actions inspired by Islamic State are high profile nationally and internationally, the white supremacist ideology of extreme right-wing groups has also provided both the inspiration and justification for people who have committed terrorist acts.

The objectives of Prevent are:

  • To respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it;
  • To safeguard people from being drawn into terrorism and to ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support; and
  • To work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to address.

ACT Early provides advice and support around radicalisation, Prevent, and how to seek help. Should you wish to find out more about ACT Early, please visit:

Lessons and assemblies in schools -For further information and guidance on how to plan lessons and assemblies around Prevent and additional resources advising staff on how to embed British values in the curriculum, including policy advice around Prevent in schools, please use the following links:

  • Educate against hate - advice and resources for schools on safeguarding students from radicalisation, building resilience to extremism, and promoting shared values
  • Going too far – resources for teachers including lesson plans, videos and information on online safety.
  • Safeguarding resources – online resource portal where you can filter by topic, key stage and audience
  • Fake news – resources to promote critical thinking online
  • Safe policies – updated templates for school policies and acceptable use policy for Sept 2020
  • BBC Bitesize – BBC fact or fake campaign 

There are specific statutory obligations under Prevent for local authorities; schools; higher and further education; health services; prisons; probation and the Police. Published national guidance identifies best practice for each of the main sectors and describes ways in which they can comply with the duty, as well as providing advice and information on how compliance with the duty will be monitored.

A Prevent Board has been established to co-ordinate this work in Bath and North East Somerset.

To refer someone, please use the Prevent Referral Form

If you would like any further details of Prevent in B&NES please email

Read the Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales

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