About the Group

Bathford Link (registered charity number 1042822) was formed in 1994 to provide unpaid voluntary support to the residents of Bathford, all of whom are automatically members.

Types of journeys catered for

The most significant task is the transportation of clients to and from Batheaston Medical Centre, local hospitals and the collection of prescriptions.

Bathford Link also endeavours to meet a wider range of needs, including help with official forms, advise on seeking services and assistance, a weekly coffee morning and other social events and outings.

Driver Information

Transport is provided by using private cars of volunteers (some 22 in number) all of whom are covered by special insurance appropriate to suit charitable work.

Booking Information

Notice: Please give at least 24 hours notice of transport. 

Cost of a journey: Donations are invited from clients (50p per mile is suggested as a guide). Bathford Link has also benefited from a number of generous donations from the local community, including bequests in recognition of help given.

To book a journey or find out more, please contact:

  • The co-ordinator on 07870666582.

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