If you would like us to move a street light to facilitate a driveway or similar, you can use this page to apply for it to be moved. An application doesn't guarantee permission, but we consider all requests.
Before you start
Before you complete the application, please have the following items and information ready:
- The street light column number
- A description of why you would like the street light moved
- The nearest residential address to the street light's current location
- The nearest residential address to the street light's proposed location
You will be required to cover the cost of the work if your request is approved. We will contact you to discuss this.
Apply online
Complete our online form to apply to move a street light.
What happens next
When we have received your application, a member of our Street Lighting team will visit the current site of the street light and check the suitability of the proposed location.
Once we have made a decision we will contact you and discuss how to proceed.