- Parking and travel
- Rubbish and recycling
- Job and careers
- Planning and building control
- Schools, colleges and learning
- Council Tax and benefits
- Adult social care and health
- Children, young people and families
- Roads, travel, and transport
- Housing
- The Climate and Ecological Emergencies
- Bath's Clean Air Zone
- Library and information services
- Births, marriages and deaths
- Business
- Sport, leisure, and parks
- Public safety and protection services
- Tourism and heritage
- Trading Standards
- People and Communities
- Voting and elections
- Skills and local employment
- Community safety and crime
- Environmental protection
- Food safety
- Public Health
- Your council and democracy
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Regeneration and major projects
- Data Protection and Freedom of Information (FOI)
- Find policies and strategies
- Strategic Evidence Base
- Emergency planning