Roadworks are planned in Ashton Way and Rock Road in Keynsham, which will affect people driving in and around the town centre. The work is happening to install essential services to the new Alliance Homes housing development, Keyne Court. All town centre businesses, shops and car parks will be open as usual.
We expect these roadworks to run from 21 March 2022 for approximately three weeks, until around 11 April, with a further two weeks or so of temporary one-way arrangements on Rock Road, until around 27 April.
All dates may change, depending on the progress of the work. Check for updates on our Facebook page, Highways Twitter feed or this webpage.
Road closures 21 March to around 11 April
The following restrictions will be in place:
- Ashton Way will be closed to all traffic at its junction with Rock Road.
- Rock Road will be closed between junctions with Temple Street and The Labbotts.
- Parts of Charlton Park will only be operating in one direction (towards Charlton Road)
Diversions in place
Traffic travelling from Bath/Saltford
A map showing the diversion routes
Traffic heading into Keynsham town centre from the Bath and Saltford direction on the A4 will be diverted along the Keynsham Bypass to Hicks Gate roundabout, and back into the town via A4175 Durley Hill.
The High Street will be open to southbound motor traffic (and in both directions for cyclists).
Traffic travelling to Bath/Saltford
Traffic on Charlton Road heading towards Saltford and Bath, which would normally use Ashton Way and Bath Hill to get to the A4, will need to turn left onto the High Street, use the roundabout at St John’s Church to do a u-turn, and then head south onto the one way section of the High Street, in order to reach Bath Hill.
The current ban on right turns from Charlton Road into High Street will remain in place for safety reasons.
Charlton Park
Map of the road closure
Charlton Park will have a temporary one way restriction in place during this time. Traffic will only be able to proceed north towards Charlton Road. This is because it will be used as a bus diversion route to enable as many bus services to keep operating as possible. A small amount of parking will be suspended to ensure buses can get through.
Access to town centre car parks
A map showing access to car parks during the works
All Keynsham car parks will be open, but there will be changes to how you can access them:
- It will only be possible to access the Ashton Way car parks from the Charlton Road end.
- Access to The Labbotts car parks will only be possible from the West View Road end of Rock Road.
Arrangements for buses
The closure of Ashton Way to through traffic affects a number of bus services.
- Southbound buses
- All services that currently travel south on Ashton Way (towards Rock Road) will use the High Street instead, using the new bus stop there.
- Northbound buses
- Services that currently use the northbound stop on Ashton Way next to the car park will be affected.
For full details of these services and how they are affected, please see the Travel West website.
Road closures from around 11 to 27 April
There will be a temporary one-way restriction in Rock Road, while works go on to install balconies on the Keyne Court development. Between Rock Road junctions with The Labbotts and West View Road, traffic will only be able to travel west, towards West View Road. Rock Road will remain two-way between Temple Street and Ashton Way.
The start date of this traffic restriction is provisional and may change, depending on how the works in Ashton Way progress.