Project summary
Improvements are planned for four local High Streets in Bath: Twerton High Street, Mount Road local centre, Moorland Road and Weston High Street. Project funding has been secured and improvements will continue to be delivered until Summer 2025.
The following types of improvements are being made across the four local centres
- Street furniture
- Improved cycle storage
- Art installations
- Seasonal dressing
- Community events
- Pop-up shops/meanwhile uses
- Sensory garden and raised planters
- In-ground planting including trees
- Hanging baskets with seasonal iterations of planting
- Shopfront improvement grants
- Deep cleaning/maintenance
- Signage and wayfinding improvements
The total scheme budget of £453,000 consists of grant funding from the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) and B&NES Community Infrastructure Levy funding.
Phase 1: Twerton High Street and Mount Road
These projects were consulted upon in winter 2022-23 and work continues in these local centres.
(Image from the 2024 Twert Lush event)
Work delivered so far includes:
- Community events: Twerton Sensory Garden planting morning, Twert Lush 2023, Christmas on Twerton High Street, Twert Lush 2024, Festival of Archaeology
- Pop-up shops/meanwhile uses: two vacant units have hosted Creative Twerton, a space to support the community and local artists, between 2022-2024
- Art installations: community mural, window art installations, a children’s competition to decorate high street planters
- Sensory garden
- Raised planters
- Street furniture
- Shopfront improvements
- Hanging baskets
- Deep cleansing
- Support to publicise what the local centres have to offer
Phase 2: Moorland Road and Weston High Street
Phase 2 works are scheduled to take place between Winter 2024-25 and Summer 2025. In these locations, improvements could include; street furniture, cycle stands, street 'greening', art installations, events, seasonal street dressing and artistic signage.
Image of example interventions. Click to enlarge the image.
Following community engagement in Winter 2021-22, design proposals were put together for Moorland Road and Weston High Street. These can be seen below.
View the plans for Moorland Road and Weston High Street
Contact us
If you would like any information about the project, or would like to be involved in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us at