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Books of Remembrance

Artist painting entry in book of remembrance
Book of Remembrance in situ at Haycombe

Our Books of Remembrance are beautifully inscribed by a professional calligraphic artist, providing an enduring record of your loved one's life. These precious memorials are on permanent display in our Room of Remembrance, with the pages turned daily by our staff to show the current date. For many, they provide comfort and an opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one, on a visit to Haycombe for the anniversary of their death. For friends and family who are unable to visit in person, you can also view the Books online, with a date search facility. 

Entries in the Books of Remembrance are not made automatically, but you can choose to add an entry at any time, even years after a person’s death. There is a choice of types and sizes of display, including stunning illuminated lettering, personalised to suit your loved one's interests and character. You can also choose to order your own special copies of the entry on Remembrance Cards, to share with family or friends who live far away, or for display at home, to keep memories of your loved one close at hand. 

Make an enquiry to find out how to get a name added.



From £67.00

2 line entry: £140
5 line entry: £177
8 line entry: £232
Simple designs: £67
Service badges or complex designs: £117

Prices cannot be guaranteed due to circumstances regarding supply that are beyond our control. Please make an enquiry to confirm pricing.


You can choose the size of entry and individual motifs are available with larger entries.

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