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Children's Centre services

Find out what regular groups we run at our Children's Centres for all families with children under five years old (under 10 years for Theraplay & Parenting Support Groups). You can also contact us for further support and we can refer you to one of our courses or programmes.

Groups for all

We run the following groups every week. Check your nearest Children's Centre to see where they are located, as well as the days and times of the groups.

Outdoor Play and Explore Together

Support your child's development through play and exploration with activities designed to stimulate their senses and creativity.

Baby and Toddler Hub

Hub-based community sessions run by the Health Visiting service that offer families support and advice about any aspect of their health and wellbeing.

Family support, courses and programmes

Our family support workers can support families, if you have at least one child under five years old, and will visit you at home or at one of our Children's Centres. You can either be referred by others working with you, or you can approach us yourself. We offer general family support, personal and employment skills support, as well as home learning services.

Are you:

  • Finding being a parent hard?
  • Worried about your child?
  • Feeling stressed?
  • Struggling to make ends meet?
  • Thinking of going back to work?

If so, then take a look at our list of different courses and programmes, and what they aim to do, and then request support from us.


Infant massage

A five week course designed to support nurturing touch and relationships. This course also promotes wellbeing for you and your baby (under 12 months old). The course is called Bright Beginnings in some areas.

Nurturing relationships

Family Links Programmes

Family Links programmes are structured parenting courses that aim to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of both adults and children, strengthen family relationships and promote positive behaviour management strategies. Spaces may be available within our nurturing ‘Children’s Group’, running alongside the courses. Some are held online, where Children's Groups are not available.

Parenting Puzzle is a 4-week set of workshops for families with pre-school aged children.

Nurturing Programme is an 11-week programme for families with children aged 2-10 years.

Incredible Years

A 12-week programme that strengthens parent or carer and child interactions and attachment, reducing harsh discipline and fostering parent or carer's ability to promote children’s social, emotional and language development. Spaces may be available within nurturing ‘Children’s Group’, running alongside the course.


A 10 to 12 week, one-to-one play-based therapeutic programme designed to support a child and carer to form positive and healthy attachments and relationships. This home-based programme is a structured form of nurturing play which is led and organised by the adult whilst being responsive to the child. The carer and child are supported to further develop their relationship and trust in one another and other future relationships. The child’s social and emotional confidence is also developed.

This programme is particularly useful for:

  • children who need to build confidence in their relationships or having difficulty expressing their emotions
  • fostered and adopted children and children cared for under special guardianship arrangements (SGO).

Theraplay Families

A 6-week course, based on the Theraplay approach, which supports parents to consider their relationship with their child: discussing current challenges, enhancing understanding of emotional responses and different ways to respond to them.

Relational and Trauma Counselling for new and expectant mothers

A 10-week one-to-one Counselling service for new and expectant mothers affected by their own Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) which supports mothers to heal past hurts to develop stronger family relationships.

Health and wellbeing

My Time, My Space (post-natal)

A 10 - 11 week arts-based project (run in partnership with the Health Visiting team and Creativity works) for women experiencing perinatal low mood, anxiety or depression in pregnancy or in the first year after birth. Spaces may be available within nurturing ‘Children’s Group’, running alongside the course.

Our Time, Our Space (ante-natal)

An 8 week arts-based project for women experiencing low mood, anxiety or depression in pregnancy. For women to have time and space for themselves, gaining skills and coping strategies which may help to promote wellbeing, reduce anxiety and isolation and provide practical and emotional support during pregnancy.

Catching Confidence

A six week course (delivered by Bath College) designed to help increase confidence and self-belief and support to set new SMART goals for the future. Spaces may be available within nurturing ‘Children’s Group’, running alongside the course.


A rolling group for parents or carers whose mental health is impacting on their parenting capacity. Spaces may be available within nurturing ‘Children’s Group’, running alongside the group.

Moving On Up

An 8-week programme (run in partnership with voluntary organisation 'Make a Move') for women experiencing perinatal low mood, anxiety or depression, using movement, talking, and therapeutic strategies. Spaces may be available within nurturing ‘Children’s Group’, running alongside the course.

Healthy Eating and Nutrition for the Really Young (HENRY)

A 9-week course (working with Healthy Lifestyle Service) supporting the development of healthy lifestyles. Spaces may be available within nurturing ‘Children’s Group’, running alongside the course.

Relational and Trauma Counselling for new and expectant mothers

A 10-week one-to-one Counselling service for new and expectant mothers affected by their own Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) which supports mothers to heal past hurts to develop stronger family relationships.

Learning through play

Flying Start

A 6-week one-to-one programme in your own home using play activities to help you and your child enjoy the time you have together. This programme will help parents or carers find out more about what their child is good at and how they can support their child’s learning and development. It can help children to have a positive start to their life-long learning.

Additional needs (SEND)

Ready, Steady, Talk

A 5- to 6-week course promoting communication, speech and language through songs, stories and fun activities.

Step by Step

A 6- to 7-week programme designed to support parents or carers of a child with emerging or recognised additional needs. Spaces may be available within nurturing ‘Children’s Group’, running alongside the course.

Step into School

A 4-week course for parents or carers of a child with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and is due to start mainstream school. We explore ‘school readiness’ and what this means, how to prepare your child for school and other available services and support. Parents and carers of children without a diagnosis can still access this course.


A one-to-one home-based educational programme supporting parents and children with additional learning and support needs to further develop their play, communication, relationships and learning. Particularly useful where there are concerns surrounding your child’s development.


A 10 to 12-week, one-to-one play-based therapeutic programme designed to support a child and carer to form positive and healthy attachments and relationships. This home-based programme is a structured form of nurturing play which is led and organised by the adult whilst being responsive to the child. The carer and child are supported to further develop their relationship and trust in one another and other future relationships. The child’s social and emotional confidence is also developed.

This programme is particularly useful for:

  • children who need to build confidence in their relationships or having difficulty expressing their emotions
  • fostered and adopted children and children cared for under special guardianship arrangements (SGO).

Theraplay Families

A 6 week course, based on the Theraplay approach, which supports parents to consider their relationship with their child: discussing current challenges, enhancing understanding of emotional responses and different ways to respond to them.

Family support

Family Support

Our team of highly skilled and experienced Family Support Workers can offer one-to-one practical support and advice on a wide range of issues such as responsive parenting, childcare and home safety, routines in the home, dealing with challenging behaviour, managing household finances, domestic abuse, depression, and drug and alcohol misuse. They may also signpost you to other professionals and agencies who can support the best health and wellbeing of your child, yourself, your family and your community.

Flying Start

A six week one-to-one programme in your own home using play activities to help you and your child enjoy the time you have together. This programme will help parents or carers find out more about what their child is good at and how they can support their child’s learning and development. It can help children to have a positive start to their life-long learning.


A one-to-one home-based educational programme supporting parents and children with additional learning and support needs to further develop their play, communication, relationships and learning. Particularly useful where there are concerns surrounding your child’s development.


A 10 to 12 week, one-to-one play-based therapeutic programme designed to support a child and carer to form positive and healthy attachments and relationships. This home-based programme is a structured form of nurturing play which is led and organised by the adult whilst being responsive to the child. The carer and child are supported to further develop their relationship and trust in one another and other future relationships. The child’s social and emotional confidence is also developed.

This programme is particularly useful for:

  • children who need to build confidence in their relationships or having difficulty expressing their emotions
  • fostered and adopted children and children cared for under special guardianship arrangements (SGO).

Skills and employment

Catching Confidence

A six week course (delivered by Bath College) designed to help increase confidence and self-belief and support to set new SMART goals for the future. Spaces may be available within nurturing ‘Children’s Group’, running alongside the course.

Skills and Employment

One-to-one support for parents looking to develop their skills and training, and gain access to employment opportunities.

Volunteer with Bright Start Children’s Centre Services

An opportunity to learn and develop new skills, enjoy new experiences, and meet new people, as well as to support local children and families. Volunteering opportunities are available to support our ‘Play & Explore Together’ groups (outdoors and indoors) and nurturing ‘Children’s Groups’, which run alongside many of our courses.

Find out more by emailing, or calling 01225 39 66 62.

Volunteer B-Friends Programme

Volunteers offer a telephone befriending service to provide a listening ear and emotional support for parents and carers. In-depth training is provided by Bath West Children’s Centre delivered by Action for Children, and volunteers work closely with Family Support Workers across the Bath & North East Somerset area.

Find out more on the Action for Children website, or by emailing

Volunteer at Food Clubs

Children’s Centre services work in partnership with Family Action, Fareshare, and local town councils to provide weekly Food On Our Doorstep (FOOD) clubs, across the B&NES area. These clubs offer families good-quality food at a low cost, while also reducing food waste.

Find out how you can support the clubs as a volunteer on the Family Action website, or by emailing or

Challenging relationships, alcohol or substance misuse


A 12 week programme designed to support women to understand controlling relationships.

Families in Recovery

A 10 week course to support you to explore your drug or alcohol use, including the way it impacts on you and those around you. Spaces may be available within nurturing ‘Children’s Group’, running alongside the course. This course is currently on hold.

Request support from us

Parents and carers

There are a number of ways you can request support.

Next steps

As soon as we're aware of your request for support, we will take the following actions:

  • review your request within 10 to 14 working days
  • contact you by letter to suggest the services we're able to offer
  • phone you to discuss further.


Request support from Children's Centres online