MiPermit location number 751087
Church Street, Radstock BA3 3QG
To find the car park, turn down the short lane to the east near the top of Church Street. It is marked The Street in red on the map.
- Open Monday to Sunday, 24 hours
- Maximum 5 hours' stay
- 89 spaces
- five disabled spaces
- No height restrictions
- Partial lighting
We operate a system of emission-based ticket charges for council car parks. The range of charges shown below represent the lowest charge (for the least polluting) to the highest charge (for the most polluting class of vehicles). To find the exact amount you will have to pay, please use the MiPermit app.
Charges apply Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm (excluding bank holidays).
The maximum time you can stay in this car park is 5 hours.
Duration | Charges |
Up to 2 hours | No charge |
Up to 4 hours | £1.20 to £1.80 |
Up to 5 hours | £1.50 to £2.40 |
Monday to Saturday (6pm to 8am) Sundays and bank holidays (all day) | No charge |
- You can pay using MiPermit, our cashless payment system, by using correct change, or with debit or credit cards. We cannot provide change.
- For free two-hour parking, you MUST still get a ticket from the Pay and Display machine, or activate a stay on the MiPermit app.
- Paying for parking ahead of arriving at a location does not reserve you a space to park and we are unable to refund payments if you are unable to park.
- Blue Badge holders can park for free in this car park when displaying a valid Blue Badge.
- Please refer to car park signage for further information.