Closed consultations
View all of our closed consultations.
View future consultations View current consultationsSouthlands through-traffic restriction trial (ETRO consultation)
Important notice on this trial At the end of January 2024, the Cabinet Member for Highways took the decision to start the formal Traffic Regulation…
Travel, transport, and roads
Somer Valley Enterprise Zone: Revised statutory consultation on modifications to Local Development Order (Planning Reference: 23/00076/LDO)
This is a revised statutory consultation, on a current planning application, 23/00076/LDO . For further information, please see the Somer Valley…
Planning policy, Regeneration, Travel, transport, and roads
Creating Sustainable Communities: Journey to Net Zero
We’ve been working with communities in Keynsham & Saltford, the Somer Valley, Hicks Gate and Whitchurch Village for several months to understand…
Travel, transport, and roads
Off Street Parking - Review of parking and permit charges
We are consulting on a range of proposals affecting off street car parking charges. Following a review of off street (car park) parking charges, we…
Travel, transport, and roads
Bike hangar installation consultation
Have your say on our plans to extend our bike hangar pilot by installing up to 20 new bike hangars on streets in Bath and North East Somerset.…
Travel, transport, and roads
Class N3 Euro 6 diesel HGV charge consultation
We are seeking your opinions about our proposals to introduce a charge for Class N3 Euro 6 Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) entering the charging zone in…
Travel, transport, and roads
Oldfield Park and Westmoreland RPZ: Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation
We would like to know if you have any objections to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) which we have prepared to create a Residents’ Parking Zone in…
Travel, transport, and roads
Walcot, Snow Hill and Claremont Road area Residents' Parking Zone (RPZ) TRO consultation
We would like to know if you have any objections to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) which we have prepared to create a Residents’ Parking Zone (…
Travel, transport, and roads
Entry Hill area Residents' Parking Zone (RPZ) TRO consultation
We would like to know if you have any objections to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) which we have prepared to create a Residents’ Parking Zone (…
Travel, transport, and roads