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Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Fund for Bath

Use this page to learn about and apply for the Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Fund for Bath.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is payable on new developments, including housing, student accommodation, supermarkets and hotels. Part of these funds are passed to the Town or Parish Council where the CIL was generated, to address local neighbourhood priorities. The neighbourhood portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy can be spent on a wider range of items than the Strategic CIL, provided that these items support the development of the local area. 

Bath does not have a Town or Parish council, but instead retains 15% of funds for allocation in the Bath City area. £2.3 million from the Bath Neighbourhood CIL Fund has been awarded since 2017 to sixty-four projects across the city.

View successful applications on the community funding map

  • Applications will be accepted from 28 February to 18 July 2025.
  • Consultation is scheduled during August 2025.
  • The Advisory Board will meet thereafter to consider the applications.

Use the links below to learn more.

About applying for the fund

We invite applications to support projects that address the demands that development places on the area.

There are two rounds of funding each year. We assess applications against the funding criteria. We consult the public for feedback on each eligible project to indicate the level of support within the community.

An Advisory Board made up of eight Ward Councillors considers all eligible applications and makes recommendations. The final decision is made by the Leader of the Council. The application process may take up to six months from submission of the application.

To meet the funding criteria projects need to:

  • address impact of new developments from the area of where funding has been generated
  • demonstrate impact within a local area where development has taken place
  • show community support and provide evidence that the needs of the community have been heard

Public consultation and advice

As part of this process there is a period of public consultation for eligible applications. The community are asked to provide feedback about each project. This takes place before the Advisory Board meets.

We also seek advice from the Council's Legal and Planning Policy Teams as well as other relevant Service Areas, when this is appropriate.

Funding Decisions

We publish our decision making documents, and a dashboard map is available to view successful applications.

View the community funding map

Apply for the CIL Bath Neighbourhood Fund

The online application form will be open from 28 February to 30 April 2025.

Before you apply ensure that the proposed project is located within the Bath City Boundary. View the Bath City Boundary on a map. 

Funding and monitoring grant agreement

A funding agreement will be completed before projects receive funding. All projects will have agreed to adhere to the terms and conditions.

Contact us for guidance notes