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Community meetings, networking and updates

Use this page to learn about community meetings, networking, finding funding, and to sign up for interagency update emails.

Area Forums

Area Forums are an opportunity to discuss topics of local interest and help address areas of concern. These meetings bring together community organisations and public services and are open to all.

Find out more about area forums

Bath Community Conversations 

Bath Community Conversations are drop-in sessions for residents to engage with the council and partners. They take place at community venues in residential areas of the city. 

Find out more about community conversations.

Climate & Nature Community Conversations

These are both drop-in sessions and structured discussion taking place across the district to give residents opportunity to discuss what the Climate & Ecological Emergencies mean for them and to talk about what action can be taken to mitigate the impact. For further information contact the Sustainable Economy Team.

To keep updated on plans for future events see the social media pages:

Interagency Meetings

We host interagency meetings, for local service providers, charities and community groups to network. The meetings are very informal and open to anyone who works for or volunteers with an organisation in the area.

For meeting dates, registration and more information view the interagency meetings page

Interagency Bulletins 

Our Corporate Engagement team send an e-bulletin each month, with news of funding and training opportunities, networking, events and more. You can also search for funding at any time using our online Funding Finder.

Use this link to learn more and view previous email updates. 

Sign up for email updates