Use this page to find out about co-living, and have your say on our emerging Planning policy approach to this type of development.
Find out more about co-living
Co-living Schemes are not defined in national policy or guidance. They are purpose-built residential schemes, which often comprise studio bedspaces with access to shared communal facilities, such as kitchens, living areas, and areas to work.
Schemes may be new build, or conversions of existing buildings. Co-living schemes are being promoted by developers as a more affordable and transitional form of purpose-built rented accommodation for various groups of people.
Co-living is considered to provide an alternative to traditional shared housing, and often includes the provision of additional services and facilities, such as on-site gyms and concierge services.
Why we are consulting
Co-living is a relatively new model of housing with no standard policy definition. We don't have a policy relating to co-living schemes in our adopted B&NES Local Plan. This means that we have no agreed approach to assessing co-living development proposals. Therefore we have produced an interim Position Statement.
What we are consulting on
We are seeking comments on a Draft Position Statement relating to co-living schemes. This sets out our interim policy approach to this type of development. It clarifies the position we will take when assessing planning applications for co-living development proposals, and covers the following topics:
- Amenity and space standards
- Occupancy
- Sustainable construction
- Affordable housing contribution
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) liability
View the Draft Position Statement
Who we are consulting
Anyone is welcome to respond to this consultation, but we expect that it will mostly be of interest to development industry professionals and housing providers.
Have your say
Next steps
We will review all comments carefully and make any relevant amendments. We plan to publish the final Position Statement in March or April 2025.
Get in touch
Please email if you have any queries relating to this consultation.