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Consultation on updates to the Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD

As our Planning policy evolves to put greater emphasis on tackling the Climate and Ecological Emergencies, sustainability and energy efficiency has become a critical part of how we assess planning applications. We are reviewing and updating how applicants demonstrate compliance with our measures for the energy performance of new-build residential development proposals.

This may affect the documentation you will need to complete when submitting planning applications for residential developments. We want to give you the opportunity to have your say about the proposed policy.

Who we are consulting

We would like to hear from anyone who thinks the updated guidance supplementing the policy may affect them. We think this may include building developers, energy assessors and planning agents, as well as individuals who want to make a planning application. 

Existing policy

The proposed changes involve the following parts of our existing Planning policy. Select any item below to understand what it is for, and how it currently applies to planning applications. 

The Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD explains the key energy performance assessment criteria and information that applicants must submit when they make the following types of planning application:

  • Applications for new-build residential properties
  • Major new non-residential buildings
  • Medium scale development of existing buildings

Local Plan policy SCR6 (LPPU document, p29 to p32) sets out minimum standards for energy performance, including:

  • how much energy a new property is likely to need
  • how much energy it can generate in renewable ways (such as via solar panels or ground source heating)
  • whether it can connect to zero- or lower-carbon district heating networks

Energy Summary Tools 1 and 2 are schemes to measure energy performance of proposed new build residential properties. They act as an aid to ensure building energy performance modelling is accurate, and shows that a development proposal meets the limits set out in Policy SCR6. To show compliance with the policy, new-build residential development applicants must complete and submit the Energy Summary Tool as part of their planning application.

How existing policy applies

The size and scale of your development proposal determines how we currently ask you to calculate and model energy performance.

Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP)

  • This simpler process applies to minor planning applications for up to 9 dwellings. Applicants have to use calculated figures from the SAP process to complete Energy Summary Tool 1, and submit this with their planning application.

Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) 

  • This more detailed assessment process currently applies to applications for 10 dwellings or more. Applicants have to use calculated figures from the PHPP process to complete Energy Summary Tool 2, and submit this with their planning application.

The changes we're proposing

We're proposing an update to Energy Summary Tool 1, and to the types of planning applications which need to use it. 

View the proposed new Energy Tool 1

View supporting documents for this consultation

Why we're proposing change

The updated version of Energy Summary Tool 1 offers several improvements:

  • It's quicker, easier and cheaper for applicants to use.
  • It produces more accurate figures which analyse compliance with Policy SCR6 more thoroughly.
  • It can factor in a secondary or supplementary heating source (which could reduce overall energy consumption figures).
  • It has a more sophisticated, more robust and reliable method for adjusting and correcting SAP values, helping us to achieve more consistent energy efficient dwellings across all sizes of development.

How the updated policy will apply

Using the updated Energy Summary Tool 1, we propose to extend the types of planning applications which can use the SAP process to assess energy performance. This would now include applications for up to 25 dwellings (including up to 9 apartments).

Parts of our policy which will stay the same

Several of the requirements set out in Policy SCR6 will not be affected by our proposed changes:

  • Space heating
  • Energy use intensity
  • Renewable energy requirements

Have your say

Please use our online survey to tell us what you think of the updated policy.

WarningYou may find it helpful to keep this page and the full version of the proposed policy open in separate tabs for reference while you complete the online form.

If you need additional help

If you would like a printed copy of the survey, or information in another language or format, including audio, braille or large print, please email us at

If you have any kind of additional need and are unable to complete the online form, you can call Council Connect on 01225 394041, for help to give your feedback.

What happens next

On 12 July 2024, we will close this consultation and analyse your feedback. We will make any necessary changes to the policy, based on your responses. We are aiming to publish a report on your feedback and finalise the SPD documentation by 22 August, with the final approval and adoption of the amended SPD (via a Single Member Decision) due on 6 September 2024.