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Invest in B&NES Privacy Notice

The purpose of processing

The purpose of processing your data is to run the Invest in B&NES service. We receive enquiries from businesses, pre-starts and self-employed residents who request information or support. The data is therefore held on our CRM system.

If you also sign up and consent to receive our e-newsletter, we will use this to provide regular updates on our service to your email address.

Data subjects

Individuals and businesses interested in using the Invest in B&NES service or obtain information or news relating to business and economic development in the area.

Personal data

Your name
Your email address
Your telephone number

How is it used?

We will use your email address to track the number and nature of enquiries received by the Invest in B&NES service, to respond to any enquiry and (if consented) to send our e-newsletter.

If provided, we may use your telephone number to contact you about the Invest in B&NES service and respond directly to any enquiry you have where a telephone call is requested/more appropriate than email.

Profiling and automated decision making

Not applicable

GDPR condition relied upon for processing personal data:

Article 6.1 e - Exercise of official authority
Housing Act 1996

GDPR condition relied upon for processing special category data

Article 9.2 g - Substantial public interest

Sharing of personal data with external recipients

Our e-newsletter database is shared with The Business Exchange who provide a service in co-ordinating mailouts. Our CRM system is shared with the West of England Combined Authority (WECA). Both are covered by privacy and data-sharing agreements in order to protect your personal data.

Besides from our e-newsletter and CRM system, we do not share your personal data with any third parties. No third party will contact you as a result of your providing personal data while using the Invest in B&NES service.

How long is the personal data retained by the Council?

Information which can identify you will be retained for a maximum period of 6 years. It will be used only for the purposes of contacting you in relation to delivering Invest in B&NES services, such as an electronic newsletter, where you have given consent.

We may contact you directly following the 6-year data holding period to gain your consent for retain your personal data for an additional 6-year period.

Questions or concerns?

Please email 

Appeals to the Information Commissioner’s Office

If you are unhappy about the way we have treated your personal data, or feel we have not properly respected your data subject rights, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and tell them about this.

You can also contact the ICO by phone on 0303 1231113.