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Privacy Notice for Family Group Conferences

The purpose of processing

The Family Group Conference service is used to enable families to improve the circumstances around children and young people and to meet the needs of the family.

Data subjects

We will hold data that relates to the child or young person and their family, friends and other relatives.

Personal data

Date of birth
Category of case
Reason for Social Worker referral and purpose of the FGC
Contact phone numbers of relatives or friends who would like to join focus group to develop the service

How is it used?

Your personal data is used to discuss what needs to be done to assist the family, children and young people involved and to create a plan to deliver that assistance. Any individuals who provide their details and state that they would be happy to take part in a focus group will only be contacted for this purpose.

Profiling and automated decision making

Not applicable

GDPR condition relied upon for processing personal data:

Article 6.1 e - Exercise of official authority
Under Sections 10 and 11 of The Children’s Act 2004 we are required to discharge services to promote the welfare of children, and Section 23 and 25 of The Children’s and Families Act 2014, in which we are required to ensure the identification of children with special educational needs or disabilities, and to ensure the integration of those children.

GDPR condition relied upon for processing special category data

Article 9.2 h - Provision of health or social care

Sharing of personal data with external recipients

We do not share this information with anyone outside of B&NES Children’s services.

How long is the personal data retained by the Council?

Names are deleted after a period of one year; data is saved anonymously for the production of statistics only.

Questions or concerns?

Please email 

Appeals to the Information Commissioner’s Office

If you are unhappy about the way we have treated your personal data, or feel we have not properly respected your data subject rights, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and tell them about this.

You can also contact the ICO by phone on 0303 1231113.