The purpose of processing
We will use the personal data you provide to organise and deliver the ‘Library at Home’ library services, including the Home Library Service, Reading Friends and Book Drop.
Data subjects
The Data Subjects are people who receive our ‘Library at Home’ services.
Personal data
We will collect:
Date of birth
Telephone number
Personal email address
Home address
Personal details of an emergency contact person
Information on any specific requirements you have, such as disabilities or health conditions
Library Membership Number and PIN Code
Your opinion on our volunteers
Your interests and reading preferences
Where applicable, information about your home for the purpose of identifying risks to volunteers
Name of the person or organisation who referred you to the service
How is it used?
We will use your personal data to provide you with ‘Library at Home’ services. We will save your data to the ‘Better Impact’ online platform. We may use your information to contact you or make any requested adjustments to your Library Account.
We will use the interests, reading preferences, and location information you provide to match you with a suitable volunteer and give the volunteer access to the necessary information to deliver the service. This may include your address if the volunteer is delivering books directly to you, or your library membership number and PIN code if the volunteer reserves books or items on your behalf.
We tailor the service to individuals, and we discuss the information it is necessary to share based on your requirements before allowing volunteers any access to your information.
Read Better Impact’s Privacy Policy:
Please be aware that you will not be recorded as ‘volunteers’ on the system – see ‘Sharing Data’ below.
We will use the interests, reading preferences, and location information you provide to match you with a suitable volunteer and give the volunteer access to the necessary information to deliver the service. This may include your address if the volunteer is delivering books directly to you, or your library membership number and PIN code if the volunteer reserves books or items on your behalf.
We tailor the service to individuals, and we discuss the information it is necessary to share based on your requirements before allowing volunteers any access to your information.
Read Better Impact’s Privacy Policy:
Please be aware that you will not be recorded as ‘volunteers’ on the system – see ‘Sharing Data’ below.
Profiling and automated decision making
Not applicable
Legal basis for using your data
GDPR condition relied upon for processing personal data:
Article 6.1 a - Consent
GDPR condition relied upon for processing special category data
Article 9.2 a - Explicit consent
Sharing of personal data with external recipients
Your data will be stored on Better Impact to allow us to properly manage the information that we hold and facilitate the ‘Library at Home’ services.
Your information will be stored on the system, but it is not accessible to Better Impact for advertising or contact purposes.
Your information will be stored on the system, but it is not accessible to Better Impact for advertising or contact purposes.
How long is the personal data retained by the Council?
Personal data will only be retained for as long as it is needed for the purpose specified above, or as required by applicable law or regulatory requirements.