The purpose of processing
Personal data is collected by the team at Bath’s Historic Venues in order to manage bookings for private hire events in the Council’s historic venues (Pump Room and Roman Baths, Assembly Rooms, Victoria Art Gallery and Guildhall). Collectively these are branded as Bath’s Historic Venues.
Data subjects
Members of the public aged 18yrs+ who are either existing customers of Bath’s Historic Venues, or are enquiring about hiring a space in the future
Personal data
Phone number
Email address
How is it used?
To manage bookings for private or corporate hire of Bath’s Historic Venues
To contact you about other events taking place within Bath’s Historic Venues that may be of interest
Profiling and automated decision making
Not applicable.
Legal basis for using your data
GDPR condition relied upon for processing personal data:
Article 6.1 b - Necessary to performance of a contract
GDPR condition relied upon for processing special category data
Not applicable
Sharing of personal data with external recipients
We will share your personal data with our contracted caterer and with other suppliers directly involved with the fulfilment of the data subjects’ event. The reasons we share your personal data are to enable to effective management of a booking for a private/corporate event.
How long is the personal data retained by the Council?
Personal data will only be retained for as long as it is needed for the purpose specified above, or as required by applicable law or regulatory requirements.