The purpose of processing
We only use the information provided in the nomination form for the Awards and in associated publicity.
Data subjects
People who make nominations
People who are nominated
Personal data
Email address
Telephone number
Details included in the reasons for the nomination
Role within the community
How is it used?
We consider the information presented in the nomination to shortlist individuals and groups within their respective fields - volunteers, charities, carers, businesses and service to the community. We will contact all nominees and nominators and we will invite them to the online award evening. In promoting the award ceremony we may put information on the council’s public website, webcast the event, newspapers, and social media.
Profiling and automated decision making
Not applicable
Legal basis for using your data
GDPR condition relied upon for processing personal data:
Article 6.1 a - Consent
If at any time you wish to withdraw that consent and no longer be considered for an award please contact:
GDPR condition relied upon for processing special category data
Not applicable
Sharing of personal data with external recipients
The awards will be judged by a panel of representatives from the organisations listed below. All nomination details will be anonymised.
Student Community Partnership
Virgin Care
How long is the personal data retained by the Council?
We will retain the nominations for no longer than 6 months after the event, and the winners for 2 years.