To achieve this priority we will:
- create a change in culture around drugs and alcohol, including raising awareness and educating children, parents, and young adults. We want to empower them to make informed choices when it comes to substances and reduce the use of alcohol and other drugs.
- focus on Early Intervention through a Whole Family approach, including work with children and young people with vulnerabilities, and with families affected by parental substance use
- reduce crime that leads to the supply of illegal drugs, including work to combat Serious Organised Crime and County Lines
- increase and improve our service user representation and feedback into decision making and service review
- embed substance use recognition, early intervention, and referral to treatment across the B&NES health and care system, and in partnership with other sectors including housing, probation, prisons, businesses, schools and universities, using evidence-based approaches and tools
- work closely with licensing and businesses, particularly the Night Time Economy to understand issues in B&NES and support collaborative action where needed, promoting a safe, thriving economy