Find equalities and diversity advocacy, support and social groups in the local area.
Student networks
University of Bath
Bath Spa University
Other minority ethnic and nationality-based groups
- Black Families Education Support Group
- SARI - Stand Against Racism and Inequality
- BEMSCA (Bath Ethnic Minority Senior Citizen's Association)
- Black South West Network
- Bath Polish School of Frederyk Chopin
- The Belonging Network (B in Bath)
Housing support for gypsy, traveller and boating communities
- Diocese of Bath and Wells (Church of England)
- North East Somerset and Bath Methodist Circuit
- Catholic Schools and Churches in Bath and North East Somerset
- West of England Baptist Network
- Bath Unitarian Fellowship
- Find a Church
Student networks
General support and advocacy
- The Access Foundation (grants for charity projects)
- Bath Students Union Disability Action Group
- We Are the People - Bath Spa University disability research and advocacy
Independent living
Exercise, sports and leisure
- Bath Wheels for All
- Every body Moves: Disability sports activity finder
- All Cycle Bath and West
- Bath Area Play Project
- Nova Sports and Coaching
Specific needs and health conditions
- Royal National Institute of Blind People
- Bath and District Branch - Parkinson's UK
- Alzheimer's Society Dementia Voice Lived Experience group
- Deaf Plus
Learning disabilities
- Bath Mencap
- Junior Gateway - Bath Mencap
- Achieve Together Bath Outreach
- Keynsham and District Mencap
- SWALLOW independent living skills for people with learning disabilities
- The Life Project - Englishcombe
- Make A Move
- Keyring Bath Network