Use this page to view a timeline that shows the project stages we will follow to trial five traffic restrictions in Bath during 2024 and 2025 as part of the council’s community-led Liveable Neighbourhood (LN) programme. We will update this page regularly.
The trials include:
- a through-traffic restriction on Sydney Road
- formalisation of a one-way loop in Lyme Road
There are also three linked trials in Lower Lansdown and Circus Liveable Neighbourhoods area including:
- a through-traffic restriction in Winifred's Lane
- a through-traffic restriction in Catharine Place
- traffic restrictions in upper Gay Street
You can find out more about the LN Programme, the process we follow, and find out how to respond to a consultation using the relevant webpages.
Shortlisting of potential trials
CompletedWe identified areas where there was community support for traffic restrictions during previous LN consultations. All proposals were considered against a range of criteria and draft designs were drawn up for five potential trials.
Baseline monitoring
CompletedWe collected baseline traffic data over a 7 day period outside of school holidays in each of the trial areas. We are also conducting additional air quality monitoring in all areas except for Lyme Road.
Correspondence with residents
CompletedLetters were sent to residents living in and around the trial streets to inform them about the proposed trials, Residents were invited to contact the team with any concerns or feedback. We informed the public via press, social media, and local ward councillors.
Decision to proceed with five trials
CompletedAt the beginning of February 2024, a decision was taken to proceed with five trials after funding was secured from the West of England Combined Authority’s City Regional Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS). Use the links below to read the decision notice, the related reports, and the press release on the decision.
- Read the single member decision report on the Sydney Road trial
- Read the single member decision on the Lyme Road trial
- Read the single member decision report and decision notice for three linked trials in Lower Lansdown and the Circus area
- Read the press release on the decision to proceed with the trials
Pre-trial informal engagement
ActiveResidents living on or near the trial streets were informed of the decisions by letter. We made further information available on our website and at pre-trial events for local residents.
Installation of trials
ActiveThe trials are being installed in 2024.
We are sending letters about installation to those living on or near the trial roads. Press, social media posts, and local promotions will alert the wider public to the timetable for both installation and public consultation.
You can read the press release for the installation and public consultation for Sydney Road through-traffic restriction trial (March 2024, and also the three linked Lansdown trials (July 2024).
- Sydney Road Trial (installed 1-15 April 2024)
- Lyme Road Trial (postponed until further engagement on additional LN proposals)
- Lansdown Trials (installed from 1 November 2024)
ETRO trial six-month consultation
ActiveExperimental traffic regulation order trials are consultations in-situ. Residents and the wider public are invited to share their views of the trials while they experience the trial over a minimum of six months.
A public consultation questionnaire is/will be available on the trial web pages.
The public consultations will be available for six months, between the following dates:
- Sydney Road consultation from 3 April 2024 to 3 October 2024
- Lyme Road consultation (postponed, to be confirmed)
- Lower Lansdown and Circus Area consultations (1 November 2024 to 30 April 2025)
Stakeholder engagement
ActiveDuring the trials, we will gather feedback from local schools, businesses, and services, such as the emergency services. Our partner Sustrans will support us in engaging harder to reach groups and seldom heard voices, such as young people, older people, young families, and people with disabilities.
on targetWe will repeat the same 7-day traffic monitoring exercise conducted during baseline monitoring to help us measure any impact of the trials. This will be conducted outside of school holidays and major events.
We will consider repeating the monitoring exercise again after one year of the trial starting.
View the available raw traffic monitoring
We are also conducting additional air quality monitoring, with additional monitoring stations installed in all trial areas except Lyme Road.
For available analysis of traffic and air quality monitoring please see 'Evaluation' and 'Decision-making' sections.
on targetOnce the six-month consultation periods have ended for each trial we will evaluate and publish the outcomes in reports. The trials will remain in place until a decision is made on making them permanent or not.
Sydney Road trial - consultation ended 3 October 2024.
View the Single Member Decision Report and outcomes of the consultation (Feb 2025).
Decision making
On targetThe consultation outcome reports will inform a decision on whether to permanently adopt the trials or remove them.
This decisions will be made by the relevant cabinet member and council officer, considering council feedback, monitoring data, and our wider council policy. The decision will be made as soon as the reports are prepared and within 18 months of the trial starting.
Sydney Road trial - Decision due after 15 February 2025.
View the Single Member Decision Report (7 Feb) and Decision).