If you're struggling to do certain things on a daily basis, or someone you know is, you can find health and care support services in Bath and North East Somerset on our website, Live Well B&NES.
Find local health and care support
Find services or organisations in Bath and North East Somerset who can help you or someone you know, with health or care needs, on our website, Live Well B&NES. You can then go to them directly and organise the necessary support. Some services are free and others will have a cost.
Live Well lists lots of different local services, such as the following:
- Care homes
- Help to live at home (for example, stair lift, home alarm and care equipment companies)
- Groups and activities for older people
- Support for carers
- Advocacy
- Mental health services
Find local health or care services online
Tell us about your health or care needs
Alternatively, call us and tell us about your needs, or the needs of someone else, on 01225 394570 and select option 2. Our phone lines are open Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 5pm, and Fridays, 8.30am to 4.30pm.
What we will do
We will then do some, or all of the following things to help:
- Let you know if there are any immediate services that can help
- Work with you to plan support
- Signpost you to other agencies or services who can meet your needs (or talk about other options)
- Offer timely and appropriate reablement and preventative support (before considering ongoing support)
- Discuss support options, if you are a carer
- Support you through a crisis (in relation to your needs)
- Discuss having a social care and support assessment which will tell you the type of support you need, or offer services which are tailored to your individual needs
- Tell you about any charges for services
- Work with you following a Continuing Healthcare assessment, where you have been found not eligible for Continuing Healthcare funding. More information on Continuing Healthcare can be found here: Continuing healthcare website
Once you have an assessment, we will recommend certain services which are relevant to your needs.
Get a social care and support assessment if you're not sure what your needs are, or if you think you need help arranging your support.
Get a social care and support assessment
If you look after someone who has care and support needs, you can also get a carer's assessment.