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Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan

As the Local Highway Authority, we are responsible for maintaining the local highway network. This network consists of carriageways, cycle ways, footways, public rights of way, bridges, retaining walls, drainage, traffic signals, traffic management systems and public transport infrastructure.

The local highway network is one of the largest assets that we have responsibility for maintaining. The high demand, combined with pressures on Local Authority budgets, drives the need to ensure that any money is invested as astutely as possible. The Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP) sets out our plans and commitments for the management of our highway assets.

Policy for Managing Highway Infrastructure Assets in BANES

This policy is an integral part of the Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP). The HIAMP sets out our plans and commitments for the management of our highway assets over the five-year period between 2024 and 2028.

View or download the Policy for Managing Infrastructure Assets in BANES (PDF).

Highway Asset Management Plan

The Highway Asset Management Plan sets out our plans for the management of our highway assets over the five-year period between 2024 and 2028.

View or download the Highway Asset management Plan (PDF).