Use this page to find out about the Joint Local Access Forum (JLAF), including what it does, when it meets and how you can become a member.
What the JLAF does
The JLAF is a statutory forum set up by three councils; Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire.
The Forum provides independent advice to the three Councils about improving public rights of way in the area.
This advice aims to improve public access for outdoor recreation and sustainable travel. JLAF's guidance council strategies, such as the Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP).
The JLAF currently meets 3 times a year.
JLAF structure
There are 21 members in the forum. All members are volunteers.
Each council nominates one member. The other 18 members are independent.
Other members include:
- land owners and land managers
- access users such as walkers, cyclists and horse riders
- representatives for other interests, such as health and conservation
Select a topic below to find out more about the JLAF.
JLAF members are volunteers from varied backgrounds. All members work collaboratively to improve public rights of way and outdoor access.
Name | Role | Membership category |
Kathy Thomas | Chair of the JLAF | User interests |
Donald MacIntyre | Vice-Chair of the JLAF | Land managing interests |
Cllr Cam Hayward | Member | Council representative (Bristol City Council) |
Shaun Stephenson McGall | Member | Council representative (Bath & North East Somerset Council) |
Vacant | Member | Council representative (South Gloucestershire Council) |
Chris Bloor | Member | User interests |
Rennie Dickens | Member | Other interests |
Ann Fay | Member | User interests |
Andrew Gough | Member | User interests |
Ken Mill | Member | User interests |
Peter Bird | Member | User interests |
John Darvill | Member | Other interests |
Charlie Moore | Member | User interests |
Piers Horry | Member | Land managing interests |
Jeff Rowland | Member | User interests |
Graeme Stark | Secretary | User interests |
Graeme Stark is Secretary to the JLAF and works on behalf of Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol City and South Gloucestershire Councils.
If you are enthusiastic about public rights of way and access to outdoor spaces, you can apply to become a JLAF member.
Becoming a JLAF member will allow you to contribute your views and ideas on the potential of the network of paths in the area, and how to make it more accessible and enjoyable for all.
We are particularly keen to receive your application if you have a land-owning or land management background.
We review membership applications every two years.
How to apply
If you want to become a voluntary member of the JLAF, you need to submit an application form to us.
- Application form (Word)
- Application form (PDF)
You need to send the completed form to us through our online form.
We will hold future JLAF meetings on the following dates:
- 6 March 2025 (2pm at Keynsham Community Space)
- 3 July 2025 (2pm at Keynsham Community Space)
- 6 November 2025 (2pm at Keynsham Community Space)
If you want to contact the JLAF, you can do this by using our online form: