We support people who have been diagnosed with Autism within Bath and North East Somerset. Use this page to find out who we are, who we support, how we can help, and how you can access this service.
What we do
When we first get to know you, we'll discuss your strengths and help you to find available support in your community. We will work with you to keep you safe, promote independence and help you to make changes like getting a job, moving home, or learning new skills.
We also offer support you by:
- completing an assessment of your social care needs and strengths
- engaging you in care planning, considering ways in which your eligible care needs could be met
- reviewing existing service and support
- completing Carers Assessments and providing advice to carers
- providing advice and guidance on issues around benefits, housing, employment, education and training
- providing information and signposting to appropriate services
Care Needs Assessments
We can also offer you a Care Needs Assessment. This will identify whether you have eligible care and support needs. If you do, our team will work with you to identify the right support to meet your assessed needs.
We regularly connect our service users with third sector support like the Community Wellbeing Hub, MIND and the Village Agents. We can also arrange support through a Direct Payment or a commissioned service. We have strong links with the Complex Health Needs Service, Avon and Wiltshire Partnership and other local providers who work within Bath and North East Somerset.
What the service costs
If you are eligible for social care services under the Care Act 2014 you will need a financial assessment and may have to make a financial contribution towards the cost of your care. This would be in line with our financial assessment policy.
Our Autism Team will support any adult over the age of 18 who lives within Bath and North East Somerset, has been diagnosed with Autism, including Aspergers Syndrome and has care and support needs as defined by the Care Act 2014.
We can also support young people over the age of 16 if they have been diagnosed with Autism to support their transition from Children's to Adult Services.
How to access the service
You can refer yourself to the service or a professional involved in your care can refer you.
You can contact us by calling 01225 394556 or email autism_team@bathnes.gov.uk.
If you don't have a diagnosis yet
We are only able to provide social care support and cannot provide diagnosis or therapies.
However, if you would like to be considered for a diagnosis you need to contact BASS (Bristol and Bath Autism Spectrum Service) via your GP or health care provider.