_____________ is one of 15 areas in our Liveable Neighbourhoods (LN) programme. It is a residential area located _________________________
Learn more about the background to the LN Programme and the development of the Southlands scheme
What we are proposing
Key improvements
- Replace the steep steps leading to the High Street with a ramp
- Provide new crossings at busy junctions and on Penn Hill Road
- Create a new play area and wildflower planting
- Use feedback from the current through-traffic restriction, to decide whether to make this permanent
View the proposals in more detail on the map below
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What these improvements will mean for Southlands
1 or 2 summary sentences, such as:
The proposals aim to make walking, wheeling and cycling around Southlands safer, pleasant and more accessible.
and three bullets - specific aims for this particular scheme, such as
- Easier access and improved safety on X street, for pedestrians, cyclists and people living with disabilities
- Improve air quality, congestion and noise by restricting through-traffic
- A new play area with pleasant surroundings to encourage people to spend more time outside
Have your say
Complete our online questionnaire
Next steps
We have submitted a full business case (FBC) for the LN programme to the West of England Combined Authority. This includes the proposals for Southlands, and will establish funding priorities. We will engage with you again on the overall design, once the FBC has been approved.
Follow our progress on the Liveable Neighbourhoods Programme
Contact us
If you would like to talk to an advisor, get involved in the LN programme, or be kept up to date on future events, email us at LNs@bathnes.gov.uk, or call 01225 39 40 25 (and request a call-back from a team member)
Please also let us know if you need this information in easy-read or an alternative format.