Why we are resetting our Local Plan
As a result of changes to national Planning policy, we are resetting our Local Plan, which works within, and supplements, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
The central parts of the proposed national changes are:
- a revised house-building target, which aims to tackle the country's huge housing crisis
- measures aiming to stimulate economic growth
View our YouTube video explainer, to understand more about the relationship between national Planning policy and our Local Plan.
Our Reset Document
Our Reset Document updates you on why we need to reset the Local Plan and what this means. It outlines some broad approaches to accommodating new housing, employment development and supporting infrastructure across the District.
View the Local Plan Reset Document
Our response to national policy changes
The Leader of the Council has written to the Deputy Prime Minister, outlining our position on the proposed planning reforms, and changes that will need to be in place, to realise the new targets.
Additional updates to Local Plan development
Local Development Scheme
We have also published a revised Local Plan programme through an updated Local Development Scheme.
Call for sites
Alongside publishing this Reset Document, we are renewing our call for sites (HELAA). Please submit suggestions for potential sites you think we should consider for development for housing and economic uses.
We have a record of existing site suggestions. We welcome changes to any of these suggestions, in light of the new policy, and new sites that have not been identified before.
Submit a site, or changes to a site, online
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If you would like to receive updates on the Local Plan and other planning policy news as it happens, please sign up to our planning policy mailing list.