Grants of up to £15,000 are available for projects in England, Scotland and Wales that remove barriers to rewilding projects. Projects that take an innovative approach to land and marine rewilding are particularly welcomed.
Grants will be awarded to projects with potential for the highest impact for people and nature. Projects should incorporate rewilding at scale (ie more than 40 hectares) according to Rewilding Britain’s rewilding principles. This can be an individual landholding or a cluster of landholdings. It is recommended that applicants who are rewilding on a smaller scale form a group or network to apply.
Around 10 grants are expected to be awarded of up to £15,000 to projects in England, Scotland and Wales. Most grants are expected to be for under £10,000. Grants can be used flexibly, according to a project’s requirements. However, grants cannot be used for capital costs or the purchase of land. Grants must be used with 15 months of a confirmed award.
Grants can be used for such things as (please note that this is not an exclusive list):
- Community engagement activities,
- Developing business plans and strategies.
- Feasibility studies, and
- Technological innovations.
Details of previously funded projects are provided on the Rewilding Britain website.
The programme has a 2-stage application process, as follows:
- Applicants should join the Rewilding Network (membership is free) through the online portal on the Rewilding Britain website.
- An online application form can then be accessed and submitted.
Please note that shortlisted projects will be invited to present their project to the steering group in a 10-minute online presentation.
Further information and guidance can be found on the Rewilding Britain website.