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  4. Parking bay suspensions

Parking bay suspensions

If you are moving home, expecting a large delivery, or need access to a set of parking bays for another reason, such as tree pruning or building works, you can apply for a parking bay suspension.

If you want to deposit a skip on any public road, you will also have to buy a
Skip licence.

If you are planning an event and require parking bays to be suspended, please see our event organisation information.

Location of parking bays

We can only suspend parking bays for a valid reason which means it is essential to reserve parking near to a particular property. You can use the map below to see all parking bays.


Prices are per standard parking space per day. For long wheelbase vehicles or lorries two or more spaces would be required.

Single or first space (all parking zones or areas)£54
Additional spaces (Central Zone and Zone 1)£32
All other restricted zones or areas£11

Download the application form

In order to apply you will need to download the application form and return it completed to Payment must be made in full prior to any work being carried out.

Download form

Applications will take up to four working days before we contact you for payment, and a further two days from the date we receive payment.

Extending an existing parking bay suspension

We can only extend your parking bay suspension if there is a valid reason why you still need the parking. Please be ready to explain the extension, and say how long you will need the bay.

Terms and conditions

  • Suspension of a bay does not guarantee that the parking space/s will be vacant.
  • We will not suspend restrictions for the purpose of providing dedicated parking.
  • We do not have any powers to remove vehicles which are parked or subsequently park in suspended bays.
  • Payment in full must be received by Parking Services four working days prior to any work being carried out.
  • Refunds will only be issued in cases of administrative error where the location of the suspended parking is not as requested.
  • Approval of an application to suspend a parking restriction does not grant the applicant authorisation to work on the Highway. 
    You can contact the Highways Team at to confirm if authorisation is required for your works or activity.
  • If you experience any problems on the day of the suspension please call 01225 477133 Monday to Friday between 08.30am – 17.00pm (16.30 on Fridays) or the out of hours service on 01225 477 477 at any other time.