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Displaying results 11 - 17 of 17
This document offers advice on methods and strategies to protect historic buildings from damage by birds. It has an emphasis on minimising impact…
This short guidance note offers advice on the historic vaults of many buildings in Bath, their original functions, heritage value, and common…
This document offers guidance on why colour and finish are important for traditional shopfronts.
This document gives additional guidance about some of the things you need to consider, if you wish to make a listed building, or a building in a…
This note is intended to provide Development Management and applicants with a guide to the factors that contribute to 'strong economic reasons' for…
The document sets out our recommended procedure for Hedgerow Removal Notices submitted under The Hedgerow Regulations 1997 and the key points that…
This document outlines the variety of shopfronts found within Bath. It was submitted in 2009 as a supporting document to the Southgate redevelopment…