Local planning policy monitoring reports
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires local planning authorities to have a clear understanding of the land available for development in their area and demonstrate that we have enough land available in the district to be able to provide five years’ worth of housing. We regularly publish a statement that explains our current land supply. Please see the documents section below for our latest statement.
View our Annual Monitoring Reports
The NPPF also requires us to prepare a Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA). The HELAA is a technical document that helps to identify a supply of potentially suitable sites for housing and is used to inform planning policies. It is not a decision-making document and the inclusion of sites in a HELAA should not be seen as an intention to allocate these sites for development, or that planning permission will be granted.
The map outlines the location of the sites that have been submitted to the HELAA and you can click on the polygons to view the results of the analysis of these sites. The PDF document is very large, so you may wish to view onscreen rather than printing.
Please note that inclusion of land in HELAA does not mean it has been identified by the Council for development. The HELAA is a technical assessment of sites to consider whether they could potentially contribute towards the future supply of housing and employment land and other uses. The HELAA does not set planning policy, but provides background evidence on the potential availability of sites. Decisions on site development allocations will be made during the process of preparing the Local Plan. The inclusion of sites in a HELAA should not be seen as an intention to allocate these sites for development, or that planning permission will be granted.
If you would like to discuss what earlier monitoring reports are available, and request copies, please email us at planning_policy@bathnes.gov.uk. You may also wish to join our planning policy mailing list.
We have worked hard to make these documents as accessible as possible, but some issues may still remain. If you would like to request an alternative format copy of any document, or part of a document, please email planning_policy@bathnes.gov.uk