When we present new planning policy options, we need to ensure that plan makers are aware of the implications of their decisions as early as possible in the planning process.
Therefore, we have assessed the Local Plan Partial Update Options proposals in the following ways:
The environmental sustainability of the options presented, and the impact they might have on designated conservation sites or natural habitats (Sustainability Appraisal and Appendix, Habitats Regulations Assessment, Topic paper on zero carbon construction)
The possible impact of the options on different groups in the community (Equalities Impact Assessment)
The viability of the proposed options (which balances the cost of potential development against the value they would create)
Expanding student accommodation in Bath, and the impact this may have on local communities (Topic papers on purpose built student accommodation and HMOs)
The planned supply of housing, as part of our Core Strategy (Topic paper on housing supply)
The reports and papers below give full details of these areas.