These documents are the topic papers supporting our Local Plan Partial Update, and are for reference only.
They consist of papers on:
- Flood Risk Sequential Test
- Student Accommodation
- Housing Supply
- Green Belt village infill boundary (methodology)
- Park & Ride Green Belt exceptional circumstances
- HMO (houses in multiple occupation)
- Biodiversity
- Zero carbon construction
How to access and study the documents
The documents are all in PDF format. You can choose to download them, print them or view them online. Please note that all documents are very large. You may wish to avoid downloading them, if on a mobile device. You will save resources, and may find it easier, to read them on-screen rather than printing them.
We have worked hard to make these documents as accessible as possible, but some issues may still remain with the following document:
- Flood Risk Sequential Test
If you would like to request an alternative format copy of any document, or part of a document, please email
There are notes on how we have formatted and displayed the changes at the front of each volume.