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Premises licence

You will need a premises licence if you want to:

  • Sell alcohol by retail
  • Provide regulated entertainment (such as live music, a play or an indoor sporting event)
  • Provide hot food and drinks between 11pm and 5am

You will also need a premises licence if you are organising an event that is likely to attract over 500 people. You still need a licence even if the event or activity is for charity.

Before you apply

You need to read and understand the requirements set out on this page, and the Home Office guidance, before you submit an application for a licence. We cannot proceed with your application unless you give us all the information we need.

We strongly recommend that you seek professional licensing advice from a solicitor or licensing consultant before submitting your form, to avoid having your application rejected as invalid.

Alternatively, we can provide you with help prior to your submission via our Business Support Service which includes full pre-application advice and also a form checking service.

Pre-application advice

We will provide advice and assistance in completing the application form including:

  • appropriate conditions
  • drawing up plans
  • nominating an appropriate Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) where applicable
  • advertising and statutory notices

You must read our Privacy Policy and agree to the following terms and conditions to use this service.

The final decision about any application is made by Councillors or under delegated authority after the application has been submitted and been subject to a consultation period (where required).

We are unable to give any guarantees about the decision that will be made in relation to applications.

This application only applies to pre-application assistance and therefore ceases to apply once the application is submitted.

We will not deal with your request until payment has been received.

Please be aware that the confidentiality of information provided to us cannot be guaranteed because it is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and we may be obligated to disclose information about pre-application assistance requests and the advice that we have provided.

The cost of this service is £180 including VAT.

To apply for this service you will need to:

Checking service

We will ensure you have completed the correct sections of your application form and attached all relevant supporting documents, and will inform you of anything that needs correcting before you submit your application.

The cost of this service is £44.40 including VAT.

To apply for this service, please use our online form to provide details of your request and make your payment. For help with the online form read our user guide.

Application details

Your application must include the following details:

  • an operating schedule
  • a site plan of the premises (site plan guidance)
  • the address of the premises

If you plan to sell alcohol, you will also need to include a form of consent from the premises supervisor.

Fees and prices

Prices and fees for premises licences are based on the rateable value of your premises, from Bands A to E. Check your rateable value on the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) website. You can view the rateable value parameters for each band on the Home Office website.

Select a topic below to view the fees and charges for premises licences.

Application fees

Premises licence application fees
Premises band Price
A £100
B £190
C £315
D £450
D (mainly selling alcohol) £900
E £635
E (mainly selling alcohol) £1,905

Annual fees

Premises licence annual fees
Premises band Price
A £70
B £180
C £295
D £320
D (mainly selling alcohol) £640
E £350
E (mainly selling alcohol) £1,050

Other charges

Other charges
Fee Amount
Replacement of a lost or stolen certificate or summary £10.50
Right of freeholder to be notified of licensing matters £21
Transfer of a premises licence £23
Varying a licence to specify a premises supervisor £23
Minor variation to a premises licence £89
Provisional statement of construction, extensions or alterations £315

Large temporary events

We will also charge an additional fee on top of the premises licence for exceptionally large events. The cost of the additional charge depends on the number of people attending the event.

Large event fees
Number of people attending the event Additional licence fee Additional annual fee (if applicable)
5,000 to 9,999 £1,000 £500
10,000 to 14,999 £2,000 £1,000
15,000 to 19,999 £4,000 £2,000
20,000 to 29,999 £8,000 £4,000
30,000 to 39,999 £16,000 £8,000
40,000 to 49,999 £24,000 £12,000
50,000 to 59,999 £32,000 £16,000
60,000 to 69,999 £40,000 £20,000
70,000 to 79,999 £48,000 £24,000
80,000 to 89,999 £56,000 £28,000
90,000 and over £64,000 £32,000

Licence duration

We grant premises licences for the lifetime of your business, unless we state otherwise. However, we can revoke or suspend your licence if you breach the terms of your licence.

You can also surrender a licence, if you want to.

How to apply

You can apply for a premises licence by using our online form.

Apply for a premises licence 

Further information

When you receive confirmation from us that your application is valid, you must also do the following:

  • Display a notice outside the premises for 28 days (you must print this on pale blue paper)
  • Give public notice of your application in a local newspaper within 10 working days of the application

You can download the notice templates below:

Select a topic below to find out more about premises licences.

The application process

Once we receive your application, we will start a 28 day public consultation period.

We will notify and consult with:

  • Planning
  • The Fire Authority
  • The Police
  • Trading Standards
  • Environmental Health
  • Director of Public Health
  • Home Office Immigration Enforcement

All of the responsible authorities listed above or any other person can make a representation about an application within the 28 day consultation period. 

We must allow 28 days for objections to be made. If we receive any objections, the application will be referred to our Licensing Committee for determination.

The Chief of Police can give notice if they believe that the transfer of a licence to another under a variation application could undermine crime prevention objectives. The Police must provide this within 14 days of receiving notification of the application.

If we do not receive any relevant representations against your application, we will grant the licence once the consultation period ends.

Processing time

We aim to determine applications within 60 days.

Tacit consent applies. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from us after 60 days.


If you want to appeal a licence rejection, please email us at:

A licence holder or applicant may appeal against any of the following decisions:

  • Refusing an application for the grant of a licence
  • Refusing an application to vary a licence
  • Refusing an application to transfer a licence
  • Attaching conditions to a licence
  • Excluding an activity
  • Excluding a person as premises supervisor

If an objection is made by the Chief of Police and interim steps are taken by the licensing authority, a licence holder may make representations to us. We will hold a hearing within 48 hours of your representations.

If you wish to appeal a decision, you can apply to Bath Magistrates’ Court within 21 days of being notified of the decision.

Review a premises licence or object to a premises licence application

If you feel that a licensed premises is causing you regular problems, you have the right to apply for the licence to be reviewed

You can also object to a premises licence or club premises certificate that has not yet been granted by making a representation


If you believe a business is operating without a premises licence, please report this to us using our online form

Relevant legislation

Licensing Act 2003

We have made the information on these web pages as comprehensive as possible.  However, in attempting to simplify the law, certain requirements have been omitted. Full details of what you must do are in the relevant legislation.

Laws can and do change. We must advise that only the Courts can give an authoritative opinion on statute law.

Variation, transfer, review and notice templates

If you want to vary, transfer or review an existing licence; transfer or disapply a designated premises supervisor (DPS); or submit a notification of interest or provisional statement, you need to complete a PDF application form and send this to us by emailing us at

You can download the forms and any notice templates you need by selecting a topic below, then clicking on the download button within the document.

Vary, transfer or review an existing licence

WarningTransfer applicants must make sure they are aware of the timings, activities and conditions attached to the premises licence being transferred and ensure that these meet the new businesses needs. If you are intending to alter the plans, timings, activities or conditions then a variation application may be required.

Some forms are also available in alternative formats on the GOV.UK premises licence webpage.

Notification of interest, authority notice and provisional statements

Notice templates