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Radstock Town Centre Regeneration Action Plan

We have successfully bid for £750,000 funding from the West of England Combined Authority’s (WECA's) Housing and Regeneration Enabling Fund, to create regeneration plans and masterplans for four town centres in Bath and North East Somerset, working in partnership with residents, landowners, businesses and other stakeholders.

This project forms part of our wider High Street renewal plans to protect and renew our High Streets.

The first plan was for Radstock and was developed in partnership with Radstock Town Council.


The Radstock Town Centre Regeneration Action Plan identifies linkages between existing projects, includes census data, information on Radstock’s heritage, Conservation Area, the Local Plan vision and outlines challenges & opportunities facing the town.

The following priority projects were identified and are included in the Regeneration Action Plan:

  • Improve community facilities in the town centre including Trinity Church which has been acquired by Radstock Town Council and will provide community space (café, events, meetings, networking, business use, workshops) and a home for Radstock Town Council and library.
  • Outdoor events - spaces have been identified as offering potential for hosting vibrant, engaging events
  • Cultural programme - a programme is running from September 2023 until June 2025. The role focuses on arts and heritage programming, engagement, participation, skills, and training, with the aim of celebrating Radstock's cultural identity and encouraging arts and heritage activity in Radstock Town Centre.
  • Brownfield site redevelopment, reuse and repurposing will be encouraged
  • Tree Planting in Radstock town centre will take place in 2025 as part of a wider greening project.
  • Green and blue spaces within the town centre will be assessed to see how they might be improved and managed for the benefit of the local community and nature
  • Energy Efficiency Improvements & Renewable Energy - improvements to buildings that take place in Radstock will also be encouraged to incorporate retrofitting and renewable energy solutions.
  • Wayfinding Streetscape Improvements & Parking - improvements to wayfinding in the town centre were made in February 2025. Discussions are ongoing with our Parking Team to investigate the possibility of carrying out a further review of parking.
  • Improve the town centre offer - funding was received for a Changing Places toilet in Tom Huyton Park which was installed in November 2023. Other opportunities will be investigated.


Initial project scoping took place in early 2022 in partnership with our officers, Radstock Town Council, and informed community engagement that took place in September/October 2022 and February/March 2023. Comments received were generally positive and helped to inform the projects outlined in the action plan

Read the Radstock Town Centre Regeneration Action Plan

If you have any questions, please email our Regeneration Team.