What we’re asking
We’d like to know what you think about our Libraries, Information & Advice Centres. We’re always looking for ways to improve our libraries and the services we offer through our Libraries, Information & Advice Centres.
We want to find out how you use our services and get and your suggestions for anything you’d like us to offer or do more of in future to ensure you have the best possible experience.
Who we are asking and why
We’re always looking for ways to improve our Libraries and the services we offer through our Information & Advice Centres. We're asking people who use our libraries, or visit our One Stop Shops, for their opinions. We want to get an understanding of which of our services people use, and what we could do differently. The results of this survey will help inform how we design our service in the future.
By filling out this survey you’ll help us understand what you, our customers, need and want, so we can make sure our services develop in the best way for you.
Survey findings
Next steps
This is the first step in how we’ll work with you to make sure our services develop in the best way, and you will have further opportunities to have your say on how our service develops over the coming months.