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Secondary school place allocation statements and appeals March 2025

This page shows how schools have allocated places for the most recent round of admissions. This may include the parts of schools admission policies which were used to decided who was offered, or refused, a place. It also includes links to appeals forms, if you wish to make an appeal against our decision about your child's school place.

WarningPlease note that only schools which are oversubscribed make allocation statements. If a school you are interested in is not on the lists below, it means that it was able to offer a place to all applicants who wished to attend.

Year 7 place allocation statements

Find the location of schools you have applied to below. If you have also applied to primary schools outside BANES, you will need to contact those local authorities to check how to respond to school place notifications.

B&NES schools

The allocation statements below include any updated documents, following further rounds of place allocations.

Bristol schools

View information about school place allocations on the Bristol council website.

North Somerset schools

View information about school place allocations on the North Somerset council website.

Somerset schools

South Gloucestershire schools

View information about school place allocations on the South Gloucestershire council website.

Responding to your school place offer

You have a number of options when you receive your school place offer.

Whatever you decide to do, you must inform us of your decision, or your child may lose their school place.

View the statement of options


To learn more about what you can expect if you appeal against a school place decision, select a topic below.

How school appeals work

You can learn more on the admissions process on our page on how school admissions work. To understand the statutory process for how school appeals are handled, you can visit the Gov.UK website.

If you decide to appeal against a refusal of a school place, your child's current school place offer will be held until a decision is made on your appeal. Once you appeal, your child's name will be added to the waiting list for the school you are appealing to.

How to lodge an appeal

You must make your appeal in writing, explaining your reasons for wanting your child to attend the school which has refused them a place.

If you made a paper school admissions application 
  • You will receive a Parental Notification response form with your school allocation letter
  • Tick the appeal box under Section B of the form
  • Return the form to the Admissions & Transport Unit, People & Communities Department, Lewis House, Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JG by the requested date as shown on the response form. Even if you will not be sending your appeal form to us, we need to know that you intend to appeal
  • Download, print and complete the correct appeal form from the school which has refused your child a place
  • You will need to complete a separate form for each school that you are appealing to
  • Follow the instructions on each appeal form that you complete, and return it to the address given on the form

If you withdraw your appeal

If you want to withdraw your formal appeal, you will need to confirm this in writing to the relevant Admissions Authority and to the Local Authority. Your child’s details will also at that stage be withdrawn from the waiting list, unless you notify us and the school that you want their details to remain.