The Local Government Transparency Code 2014 code of recommended practice for local authorities on data transparency  was published by the Department for Communities and Local Government in May 2014. The Code sets out key principles for local authorities in creating greater transparency through the publication of public data. Publication of a register of Council-owned land and building assets is one of the requirements and the following table is a comprehensive list of these assets along with key information.

The document within the Documents Section of this page provide access to view and download the register of land and buildings owned or managed by Bath and North East Somerset Council. This data is published under The Open Government Licence. This is a free open licence for public sector bodies to license the use and re-use of their information and data easily. If you are intending to use or re-use any of our data please note the conditions of the licence.

The Land and Property Asset Register contains the following information based on requirements of the Code:

  • Unique Asset Identifier - Bath and North East Somerset Council’s local Property Services Reference Number (PSRN)
  • Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) – the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG) reference where available
  • Property Name / Description
  • Address Fields derived from the NLPG with postcode (where available)
  • Easting and northing co-ordinates (Geographic centre point of property land parcel according to Ordnance Survey Grid System)
  • Property Type
  • Tenure (whether the property is freehold or leasehold or other tenure). The list includes some assets where tenure is ‘none’ indicating that the Council’s role is either statutory or the Council has assumed the responsibilities of owner by agreement.
  • Status (whether the property is occupied by the Council, let to a third party or vacant)

The list does not include assets used to provide sensitive council services (such as refuge houses) or infrastructure such as roads, pavements, bus shelters and cycle-ways or other assets including vehicles or IT.

The Code makes it mandatory for local authorities to publish the details annually. Bath and North East Somerset Council will update the data on a regular basis; annually at the very least and this will reflect changes where the Council has either acquired or disposed of assets within the list. The information currently published was correct as at July 2024.

Any queries relating to the list should be directed to Property Services via the following email address: 

If you experience difficulties downloading the Asset Register data, please email and a copy will be emailed to you.  This is a known issue and is being worked on.

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