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Found Dogs

A stray dog is any dog loose in a public place with no one obviously in charge of it.  The Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Section 149) states that every local authority must appoint an officer for the purpose of dealing with stray dogs found  within the local authority area.  The local authority must also keep a record of dogs it seizes under this Act.  The public can request access to this record by calling 01225 39 40 41.  The Dog Wardens will then arrange for you to gain access to it.

How do I report a stray dog?

The Dog Warden can only respond to reports of dogs that are held and/or contained, and not to calls of sightings of dogs wandering streets or open spaces.  Please note the Police no longer accept or collect stray dogs.

If you find a stray dog, please take the following actions:

During office hours (8.30 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 4.30pm on Friday)

  1. If safe to do so, check that the dog has a collar or tag with contact details.
  2. If there is identification, attempt to contact the owner to arrange collection; or
  3. Take to a local vet or Bath Cats and Dogs Home (which is located at The Avenue, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AZ) to check for a microchip; or
  4. Contact the Dog Wardens via Council Connect on 01225 39 40 41 to notify us that you have found a dog or to arrange collection.  Please note there may be times when the dog wardens are unavailable due to other demands on the service.

Outside office hours

  1. Check that the dog has a collar or tag with contact details.
  2. If there is identification, attempt to contact the owner to arrange collection; or
  3. If you are able to take the dog to Bath Cats and Dogs Home (which is located at The Avenue, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AZ)  phone the Council’s Out of Hours number on 01225 477 477.  The operator will inform Bath Cats and Dogs Home that somebody is on their way.  The Home will accept stray dogs up until 10.00 pm.
  4. If you are not able to take to Bath Cats and Dogs Home, you can look after the dog until the following working day and then contact the Dog Warden Service via Council Connect on 01225 39 40 41 who will arrange a collection.
  5. You may call the Council’s Out of Hours Service to leave a message on 01225 477 477.  The Dog Warden will receive the message the next working day.

What we will need from you

Please be prepared to provide the following information for lost and found dogs:

  1. Your name
  2. Address
  3. Telephone number
  4. Email address (if you have one)
  5. Where the dog was found/lost and what time
  6. A description of the dog including breed, size, colour, any distinguishing marks
  7. Whether is has any form of identification
  8. Whether there any details on the collar and tag

What about a dangerous dog?

Please advise the Police if a dog has tried to bite someone or is very aggressive.  If this is the case, action can be taken under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

What if I want to keep the dog?

If you find a stray dog, by law you MUST let the Dog Warden know.  You must not just keep it.  We have a legal duty to ensure potential new owners are able to feed and care for the dog appropriately.  Please contact the Dog Warden for further advice on 01225 39 40 41.

What happens to stray dogs that aren’t claimed?

If the dog hasn’t been claimed after seven days, then the dog will be gifted to a either a suitable person or dog’s home.  Dogs are only destroyed on veterinary advice, or for the safety of others.

Lost Dogs

How do I report a lost dog?

If you have lost your dog, you should report it to the Dog Warden Service on 01225 39 40 41.  The Dog Wardens will check to see if they have any information on its whereabouts and register your dog’s details as missing.

If you lose your dog out of office hours, then call the Council’s Out of Hours Service on 01225 477 477.  They will be able to log the details and pass to the dog warden the next working day.

What else can I do?

You may wish to try the following:

  • Inform your microchip company.
  • Check with Bath Cats and Dogs Home or other local rescue centers.
  • Check the local vets in the area it was lost.
  • Use the website Dog Lost to register your pet as lost.
  • Use social media such as Facebook and Twitter to help spread the word.
  • Tell as many friends and neighbours as possible about your lost dog.
  • Contact neighbouring Councils' Dog Warden Services, a list can be found at List of Councils Dog Warden Services across the UK
  • You should also return to the original place where you lost the dog, as it may still return, and place familiar items such as an old towel or blanket.

How do I stop my dog straying?

Here are some handy tips:

  1. Make sure your garden/gate is secure, with no escape routes.
  2. Don’t leave the front door open.
  3. Train your dog to come back when called, especially off the lead.
  4. Make sure the dog wears a collar and tag with your name and address and preferably telephone number.  This is a legal requirement with possible fines of up to £5,000 if there is failure to comply.  All dogs must also be microchipped and records kept up to date.  Whilst also being the law, these actions will enable us to speedily reunite you with a lost dog.
  5. Consider neutering your dog.  Further information can be found on the RSPCA website, or take advice from your vet.

Claiming your dog that has been seized

Please note:  our kenneling provider is Bath Cats and Dogs Home, The Avenue, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AZ.  All stray dogs seized by the dog warden are taken here if we have been unable to contact the owner directly and return the dog immediately.  Dogs can be collected during opening hours which can be found at http://www.bathcatsanddogshome.org.uk/faqs/contact.

However, if the Council suspects that your seized dog is a banned breed under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, the dog warden has the rights to take it to the police for it to be assessed.

There is a fee of £150.00 for the release of any dog.  Whilst this fee is paid to the kenneling provider, it is forwarded to Bath & North East Somerset Council to be re-invested into the delivery of the dog warden service.  This fee must be paid in full before the dog is released.  Seized dogs are kept for 7 clear days, after which time if they are not collected they will be re-homed.

Important: ID for you and the dog

Keepers wishing to collect their dog must provide 2 forms of ID which should include details of your address (e.g. passport, driving licence, bank statement, utility bill).  Please remember to take these with you as dogs will not be released without appropriate ID for you. You must also be able to demonstrate that the dog is yours. Please bring proof, such as photos of you with the dog or vets receipts, insurance documents etc. The Council wish to make sure that dogs are returned to the correct keepers, and so failure to provide these may result in the dog not being released.

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