How to spot asbestos in the home & and dispose of it safely
Bath - Hot Springs
The Sacred Spring at the Roman Baths in Bath
Information about the hot springs of Bath
Climate emergency
Responding to the climate emergency
The Council has declared a climate emergency
Dog Warden Service
dog running
From stamping out fouling to reuniting strays
Environmental partnerships
Learn about our partners
Food Safety
For members of the public, food business owners and food handlers. 
Green Infrastructure
poppy field
Information on the Green Infrastructure Strategy
chew valley lake
Working to enhance the local landscape with sensitivity
Lead Local Flood Authority
Bath and North East Somerset Lead Local Flood Authority
Pests and Infestation
Pest controller at work
Help and advice to deal with pest and infestation problems
Policies and Strategies
documents and pen
Policies and Strategies
Pollen Monitoring
field with 2 purple flowers in
Meausuring grass pollen levels to aid hay fever sufferers
Pollution, noise & nuisance
From air quality to noise nuisance - help us protect local environments
River and Canal
The River Avon, the Kennet Avon and Canal and other waterways
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Greener Living in Bath and North East Somerset
Trees and Woodlands
An image of trees
Taking care of our trees and woodlands for all to enjoy