So what is it like to work for us as a Civil Enforcement Officer?

Civil Enforcement Officers What's Involved

Previously known as Traffic Wardens or Parking Attendants, Civil Enforcement Officers are, first and foremost, a uniformed point of contact for visitors and residents.  They act as “Ambassadors” for the authority and frequently help with directions to local landmarks, answering a wide range of questions about the local area as well as providing advice to the public on a wide range of parking queries. The Team has invested in state of the art equipment including personal video equipment, hand held computers and is committed to really improving the service offered to the public. This in turn offers the right individual the chance to really develop skills and confidence and opportunities to further their career. 

Civil Enforcement Officers play a key part in ensuring our roads are safe and help to reduce congestion.  They operate in the whole of Bath & North East Somerset, seven days a week including early mornings and late evening, working outside in the fresh air and all weathers whilst talking to people and improving their fitness and health. Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO’s) enforce parking and waiting restrictions on public roads as well as in our car parks. All staff in the service work as a team and provide support to help deliver events and parking suspensions, ensuring that Bath and North East Somerset is the place to live, work and visit.

The main objectives of a Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) are to make sure that both on and off street parking restrictions are observed and, when they cannot ask the driver to move on, enforced in a fair, correct and consistent manner.  CEO’s check whether vehicles are parked appropriately and issue parking tickets called Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) to any that are parked in contravention of the Traffic Management Act 2004 regulations. Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO’s) enforce parking and waiting restrictions on public roads as well as in our car parks.

Before carrying out enforcement duties on their own all CEO’s will have completed a comprehensive training programme and worked alongside an experienced officer.  This ensures that parking policies are followed correctly and that they maintain a high level of customer service when dealing with the public.

So what other tasks do Civil Enforcement Officers undertake?

In addition to parking enforcement, As part of a CEO’s role they have responsibility for:

  • Carrying out minor repairs to the pay and display machines when required
  • Checking and report defective parking signs and road markings
  • Reporting any car park defects
  • Reporting any suspected abandoned vehicles
  • Inspecting blue badges and report any that may be fraudulent or being used fraudulently.
  • Reporting incidents of environmental crime such as littering fly posting, fly tipping and stray dogs or dog fouling to the Environmental Enforcement Team.

The CEO’s role though does not mean that they can:

  • Direct traffic
  • Deal with parking offences that give you penalty points, such as blocking the road, these are the responsibility of the Police
  • Use their discretion when issuing penalty charge notices – this is critical element of the role to ensure that everyone is treated equally
  • Issue penalty notices for parking on pavements unless there are yellow line restrictions next to the pavement or a relevant Traffic Regulation Order is in place

Want to Find out more

The National Careers Service has further information about the role of a civil enforcement officer.

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To request a call back to discuss any questions you have about any roles available and the application process, please email with your contact details and a member of the parking services team will give you a call back.

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