The Council is responsible for the maintenance of some 1150km of adopted highway within its boundaries. We have a team of highways inspectors, who routinely survey the network to identify faults. Every street within Bath and North East Somerset is inspected a minimum of twice per annum. The inspectors will also make site visits to assess issues reported to the Council via Council Connect or Fix My Street. We aim to do this within 10 working days where resources allow.

We have a maintenance contract with Volker Highways to carry out repairs. Faults and issues can be dealt with in a number of ways depending on their severity and location but can be delayed by factors such as bad weather, seasonal peaks in demand or obstructive parking.

Road and pavement defects (for example pot holes, loose covers, broken slabs)

Faults in the road and pavement surface will be assessed and prioritised according to size, depth, location in the carriageway and by the risk it poses to road users or pedestrians. Severe cases will be dealt with as a matter of urgency. Less serious examples might be planned for repair prior to the next scheduled inspection or incorporated as part of larger planned works expected to take place at the same location in the future. See where we are planning resurfacing works

If a drainage gully cover is broken, collapsing, missing or dropped into its hole, and so is a danger, this will be fixed by the Council. Most other loose covers/metalwork are often the responsibility of the utility company (water, phone etc); our streetworks team will notify the appropriate utility of the fault and ask for it to be rectified within a timescale deemed appropriate.

Overhanging Vegetation

Vegetation in public spaces in urban areas is usually the responsibility of the Council’s Parks and Open Spaces team. In rural areas, the Highways team will maintain road verges and similar. Hedges and trees that grow on the boundary of the highway or on adjacent land but overhang the public highway are generally the responsibility of the adjoining property or land owner. Where these instances are reported to us, the Council will inspect and decide if it is appropriate for the land owner take action to cut back the vegetation. When necessary, the Council would request this to be done within an appropriate timescale. 

Drainage and Flooding

Highway gullies and their immediate pipe connection are emptied and cleansed as part of a proactive maintenance programme. Reactive cleansing of highway drainage will be prioritised on the risk of flooding of residential or commercial property, or if it is presenting a hazard to road users. Surface blockages such as leaves or debris will be passed to our Cleansing team. Blockages within the drain itself will be cleared by our maintenance contractor using specialist equipment. During periods of excessive rainfall, some drainage and flooding issues are more likely to occur and will clear naturally over time. Issues with foul water drainage (ie sewers) must be reported to your utility company.

Property flooding from rivers or surface water

Reports of internal property flooding will be reviewed by the Council's Drainage and Flooding team who may need to carry out a formal investigation. More information is available on this page.

Missing or damaged road markings and signage

All existing road markings and signs are maintained by the Highway Maintenance department. Where road markings are significantly faded or signage is missing or damaged, repairs will be prioritised according to the location and the nature of the issue. Requests for new signage or road markings are not dealt with by the Maintenance team, but will be considered by our Traffic Management team.

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