Guildhall Council Chamber

Councillors are elected by local people to serve as their area representative on a local authority. Most Councillors stand for election as a political party candidate. In Bath and North East Somerset there are 59 Councillors -   41 Liberal Democrats, 7 Labour, 6  Independents, 3 Green Party, 2 Conservatives.

Some represent urban areas and others represent rural areas. The areas they represent are known as Wards.

The main roles of a Councillor are:-

  1. To represent the interests of the whole community that elected him/her.
  2. As a Member of the Council to participate in making the main decisions about the level of local government services provided throughout the Council area and how they are to be provided. 
  3. To pursue political desires, e.g. for social change.
  4. To represent the interests of the Council and its area.

Councillors are paid out-of-pocket expenses and a Basic Allowance to acknowledge their financial and time commitment in performing all of the roles expected of them. Those with specific roles also receive Special Responsibility Allowances.

The Leaders / Spokesperson of each Group :-

  • Councillor Kevin Guy - Liberal Democrat Group Leader
  • Councillor Robin Moss  - Labour Group Leader
  • Councillor Shaun Hughes  - Independents Group Spokesperson
  • Councillor Tim Warren  - Conservative Group Leader
  • Councillor Joanna Wright  - Green Party Group Leader

Cabinet Members:-

  • Leader of Council - Councillor Kevin Guy

  • Deputy Council Leader (statutory) and Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel - Councillor Sarah Warren

  • Deputy Council Leader (non-statutory) and Cabinet Member for Council Priorities & Delivery - Councillor David Wood

  • Cabinet Member for Resources - Councillor Mark Elliott

  • Cabinet Member for Economic and Cultural Sustainable Development   - Councillor Paul Roper

  • Cabinet Member for Adult Services - Councillor Alison Born

  • Cabinet Member for Children’s Services - Councillor Paul May

  • Cabinet Member for Highways - Councillor Manda Rigby

  • Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services - Councillor Tim Ball

  • Cabinet Member for Built Environment, Housing and Sustainable Development - Councillor Matt McCabe

Cabinet Project Leads:-

The following cabinet project leads, who will provide support to cabinet members, have also been appointed as follows

  • Cabinet Project Lead for Council Priorities & Delivery and for Neighbourhood Services: Councillor Lucy Hodge

  • Cabinet Project Lead for Economic & Cultural Sustainable Development and for Built Environment, Housing & Sustainable Development: Councillor Onkar Saini 

Political Group Research Assistants:-

This Council has taken advantage of a legal power to introduce a scheme whereby the two largest Groups of Councillors on the Council are entitled to appoint Political Research Assistants. Unlike other officers, who have to be totally impartial in their dealings with Political Groups, Political Assistants are expected to work exclusively in support of one Political Group only. These officers provide administrative support to Political Group meetings as well as undertaking detailed research on behalf of Group Members. They also offer advice about achieving the Group’s aims within the Council.

Political Assistants are part of the Council and Member Services Team of officers but who have a direct working relationship with the Political Group Leader and Group Members. They are:-

Group Support Officers:-

Members of the three smallest Groups have available to them the services of part-time Group Support Officers who are part of the Council and Member Services Team of officers but who have a direct working relationship with the Group Leader / Spokesperson and Group Members.  They are:-

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