Use this page to tell us about changes to a licensed HMO, such as a change in the number of occupants or the layout of the property.
Changes you need to tell us about
You must inform us about any of the following changes to a licensed HMO:
- Variations to a licence, such as the maximum number of tenants at the property
- A change in property management arrangements
- The sale of a property
- The death of a licence holder
Select a topic below to find out more about each change:
You need to make variations to an HMO licence for a variety of reasons, including:
- A change in the maximum number of occupants
- Substantial changes to the layout of the property
We will need to confirm that the property is suitable for the number of occupants. You must not exceed the maximum occupancy of your licence by moving in additional tenants without our approval.
Following your variation request, we may ask for further information or request a visit to your property.
You must tell us if management arrangements for a licensed HMO have changed, including a change of agents or emergency contact.
This is a condition of your HMO licence.
All persons involved in the management of the property must be considered as fit and proper persons.
You must provide a copy of the licence to any new managers. This is your responsibility as a licence holder.
HMO licences are not transferable. If the property is sold, the new owner must apply for an HMO licence.
Please notify us when the sale has completed, so that we can revoke your licence.
Please inform us immediately if a licence holder passes away.
When a sole licence holder dies, the licence ceases on their death. During the period of 3 months beginning with the date of the licence holders’ death, the house is to be treated as if we have granted a temporary exemption notice. This allows the person who is in control of the property to continue to rent it without a licence application being made.
In exceptional circumstances, we can grant a second temporary exemption notice. During the initial three months period, the personal representatives of the deceased may request a second temporary exemption notice, which will be for another three months if we grant this.
A temporary exemption is not possible after six months from the licence holder’s death, and you must then apply for a new licence. This needs to be from the person managing or in control – the person to whom the rent is paid.
Tell us about a change
You can tell us about a change to a licensed HMO using our online form.